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    “Well let me help!” Tina smiled again, moving under Bette with impatience as the ponytail fell from her hair and the bun was unravelled. “Let me take them off – Bette – what the hell?!” She couldn’t help but giggle at her wife’s tactics. “What are you doing?”

    “I’m so wet for you,” Bette moaned, releasing Tina to see the blond flip herself around. Staring up at her to see that Bette was losing control of her desire.

    With her bar still in the way, Tina threw it off the bed, and made quick work of Bette’s as well. One article of clothing was still left on, and Tina groaned as she tried pulling them off. Bette did the same, and finally they laid together – naked.

    “I really wanted to make you pay for that little stunt,” Bette whispered, speaking onto Tina’s lips, and then into her ear: “I wanted to punish you … but right now … all I want is to touch you …”

    “Touch me …”

    Tina lovingly took the hand on her chest, and welcomed two fingers into her mouth. Bette watched with equal parts hunger and fascination.

    “You know …” Tina panted as Bette’s fingers moved between her open legs. “Ahh … you know … I was thinking yesterday … about when we first went out …”

    “Yeah?” Bette asked, slipping her fingers into Tina as she laid on top of her, breathing into her neck.

    “Yeah,” Tina moaned: “And that time we went to support Kit to take self-defence classes … when you were so careful to hold me … or touch me …”

    Bette smiled because she knew exactly what Tina meant. Even with her fingers inside her wife, the feelings rushed back into her – the nervousness, the uncertainty, the attraction she still felt. “Yeah … I remember.”

    Tina pushed Bette’s hand to keep the fingers inside of her as she whimpered onto Bette’s shoulder: “I loved it … I loved that look on your face … When you thought you couldn’t have me …”

    “Well, that was only – what? – Two weeks into our relationship?” Bette twisted her fingers, and then pulled them out again. She pushed them in all at once. “… I wanted to treat you like a lady.”


    1. I saw my email notification that you had posted something new and literally squealed out loud so that the guy in the office next to me wondered if I was okay.

      I needed a shot of your writing and talent so badley. It’s almost like getting a rush from my B-12 injections or a splash of cold water.

      What a fun and sexy story. Your erotica is top notch…the best.

      You should seriously consider publishing an anthology of your stories.

      Thank you for posting. You know, and I tell anyone who asks, you are my favorite writer and the
      reason I came to this site 2.5 years ago.

      Thanks for making my day ;)


    2. Thanks for the posting and such a lovely loving story of Tina being so kind as to assist Bette in getting her speech down. Ahahahahaha!! The torture of desire that can’t be cooled when those two are at it in the many ways that they find to love and support each other.
      Thanks for that story. So nice to have you back again!!

    3. Omg the stars are coming out this month! First Kins40 and now you wow I can’t believe my eyes are not deceiving me right now. Grindright is here ladies and gentlemens!! Thank you for a wondeful chapter and im so happy you are back to writing brilliance. I dont have to scream how you are one of my favorite authors just look at my comments on your stories :-)

    4. I just said that I’m a happy woman, then I’m a very happy woman now that you’re back. I have been missed you. You’re a brilliant writer, and I always loved your writing.
      this week I started to re-read a lot of old stories, such as: the secretary; Housewife, Run; When she loved me; I could go on the list.
      it was a great story!
      I look forward to the next one.

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