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    The Nightmare

    Tina’s eyes fluttered open to find Bette staring at her.

    “Hi,” Bette whispered.

    Tina smiled, showing all of her chin dimples. 

    “Hi,” Tina whispered back.

    “How’d you sleep?” 

    “Soo good.”

    Bette smiled.

    “What about you?” Tina asked.

    “The last two nights have been the best sleep I’ve had in months.”

    Before Tina could respond, Bette scooted closer to her. Their noses were touching. Tina’s eyes widened. She swallowed. Unsure of what Bette was going to do next. Anticipating. Hopeful. Bette smiled, shyly. Bette could see every single fleck in the blonde’s sunflower eyes. Tina smiled and waited. Bette had to be the one to make the first move. Bette closed her eyes and inhaled. Tina licked her lips. 

    Bette rubbed her nose over Tina’s. Tina commanded her eyes to stay open. She wanted to see and feel everything the brunette was doing to her. It had been far too long. She knew this probably wasn’t the best idea at this point in their journey but Tina desperately needed to be fucked by her wife. 

    Bette opened her eyes and saw Tina lustfully staring at her. That was all the encouragement she needed. Bette put her hand on Tina’s cheek. Tina leaned into the touch as she always did. Bette kissed the tip of Tina’s nose. The anticipation was torture. Tina lifted her chin giving Bette direct access to her lips. 

    One heartbeat.

    Two heartbeats.

    Three heartbeats.

    Four heartbeats.

    Five heartbeats.

    Bette didn’t take the bait. Instead, Tina felt Bette’s hand slide into the back of her shorts. Bette bit her lip. It had been way too long since Bette felt Tina’s bare ass in the palm of her hand. 

    “Mmmmmmm,” Tina moaned. 

    Bette loved that sound. She squeezed again. Tina moaned again. 


    Tina grabbed both sides of Bette’s face. She wanted to kiss her so badly. Just when she was about to charge, Bette rolled onto her back and pulled Tina on top of her. 

    “Oh!” Tina gasped. 

    Bette slid her other hand into the back of Tina’s shorts and squeezed.

    “Fuuuck,” Tina licked her lips as she settled between Bette’s thighs.

    Their clits were like magnets being forced together by the exertion of electric charges. Tina couldn’t help the way her hips began to circle. Bette’s legs opened wider. Their bodies knew what to do. Tina wished they were skin to skin. But she didn’t want to stop. She didn’t want Bette to stop. 

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    1. So good to see a update on this absolutely brilliant written story!

      I’m glad they have Julia as therapist, honest and not afraid to tell some truths.

      I have the faith they will reunite, stronger than ever but the path leading to that is full of bumps on the road.

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