Fan Fiction
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The past and the present and the future
She knew Bette rotated the picture on her phone frequently. Usually it was between several of the brunette’s favorites, most of them as a couple but lately the girls took center stage. Pinning her hair up so she could shower without getting it wet, Tina decided to leave a new screensaver. Entering the passcode, she held the phone up to take a selfie like Alice showed her then changed the screensaver.
A quick shower done, Tina was just zipping up her shorts when Angie cried, so she got the toddler from the play pen and brought her to the kitchen where Boo had the older girls in the kitchen for a snack.
“Hi, Rosie, my Sweet. You good?” She asked, playing with the soft curls on the back of Rosie’s head, bending down to kiss a sticky cheek.
“Yep, I am good. Mama Bee helping Yaya’s legs move so she can stay strong…”
“That she is, you’re right Little Bear. Gigi, you sit here and GranBoo will get you a snack, ok?”
“Already got it for you Gigi Goose,” Boo said, placing a plate of cut up strawberries in front of the toddler, shooing Tina away with the other hand. “Bette is in with Elena and Yaya…”
Peering in Yaya’s room, Tina watched for a moment as Bette listened carefully to Kristie about how to massage the legs and arms, and where to hold each limb as it was manipulated. Leaning on the doorframe, Tina took in the scene, noting with a smile the clear concentration on her wife’s face, the gentle way she touched Yaya, the slow way she moved each joint, not wanting to hurt her friend. Sometimes Bette was so adorable it made Tina’s heart stop still in her chest.
“Hi…” Tina said, softly, just as Kristie moved to stand next to Bette, squirting massage oil in the palm of her hand.
“Hi, Tee…” Bette grinned at her wife, her hands moving Yaya’s leg carefully to bend at the knee then straighten as Kristie continued to talk her through it.
“Like this, Bette… here let me show you…Bette… look here, watch this…watch how I do it…”
There really wasn’t an opportunity for a conversation, and Kristie was standing very close to Bette as they manipulated Yaya’s leg. Purposefully, the nurse got behind Bette to put her arms around the slim brunette, “showing” her how to far to stretch, where to place her hands, position her hips. Not knowing what else to do, and not able to bear the sight of her wife being touched… Jesus…by fucking Kristie, of all people what the fuck… Tina sighed, biting her lip, debating between leaving the room and walking in there to tear Kristie’s fucking head off.
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BK, BK… Why do you do this to us? I’m on the brink of a heart attack with this cliffhanger
Kristie needs to pay and pay now and pay big time. I mean BIG TIME. I cannot wait to read Bette’s reaction. No one hurts Rosie or her beloved Tina. A little foreshadowing. “I missed you my little Rabbit. I missed you I missed you I missed you…” Bette cooed to her daughter, her face buried in Rosie’s curls, Rosie giggling and squirming in that stop-don’t stop kind of way.Oh, Mama Bee. I was only ‘round that bend over there. I didn’t go so far…”“You were out of my sight and that, my Tiny Love, is too far… I like you close so I can squeeze you.” Both hands on Bette’s cheeks, Rosie looked into the big brown eyes very seriously, “I always come back, Mama Bee. Boo says I’m like the tide…” The depth of this chapter is incredible.
Oh, like the tide. So beautiful and so true. It’s time for Kristie to learn she may think she still runs the river but no one hurts Rosie or this family. Rosie is the tide. I just know Tina is going to blame herself. She shouldn’t. She has Bette 110 percent of the time in her corner in her bed in her heart – her Bette – expressing her love physically and emotionally and every possible way. Every gloriously hot and steamy way. Still Tina is struggling. “Anxiety was a constant companion for most of her life, although it had been some time since she felt so constrained by it. There were no doubts in her mind about anything Bette did or said wrong, the brunette was simply a casualty in the ongoing tug of war between Tina and her old nemesis. It was her own emotions and long held insecurities that were making her heart hurt, Bette the salve.” Bette is more than the salve. She is the salvation. I predict Kristie is not going to know what hit her. Time to rally the troops. That includes you Boo. And Jerry. Heaven help the person who incurs the wrath of Bette Porter and Tina Kennard. Or the family. Boo or Jerry should show up with a shot gun and order Chad off the property. I suspect they know him. Boo definitely knows Kristie is bad news: “Of course, it is Kristie Scott. Now that you said it out loud, I am here to tell you that she is a wicked, devious woman, Tina. You would be very wise to stay away from her. That she is giving you trouble does not make you an idiot. She deals in trouble like some people deal in cards and horses… that woman is a hot mess.” Time for the river community to band together once and for all and dispatch Kristie. She may be used to feeling superior over the river rats and bullying them and using them to feed her demented and overinflated ego but it’s past time to be gone.
One section that I really love: “Tina closed her eyes, letting the day just sit with her, the water at her feet, the sun in her face, a story that never changed. The river was beautiful. And deadly. And so much a part of her childhood that lately it was becoming hard to escape who she was. And now this… problem. She was triggered, this she knew. She should be looking ahead not backwards. She knew this too. It wasn’t that simple, she decided. It was complicated, layered. And she was not wrong to feel things. Her history was intricate. The story of life on an unforgiving river, the story of a beautiful wife, of children, a home. A love story, really. A love story that spanned the ages, that defied everything life threw at it.” This chapter is so layered. I mean layer upon layer upon layer. Between Yaya’s illness and Tina’s problems and Bette working to find a solution to both and Boo trying to get Tina to speak what is on her mind. And dear sweet glorious ‘hell if I know ‘ Rosie. And at the end Tina goes into mama grizzly bear mode and Chad knocks her down? Hurts her? Kristie standing there smiling? Can you say assault? Six figure law suit? How did Kristie find out what Bette was doing and act so quickly? I hope Bette shows up as this is all playing out. You really nail this chapter. And you write Tina so well. So beautifully. And Bette as well. Another layer? Let’s not forget this is a beautiful TiBette love story. Well how could we ever forget that? Kudos BK. Well done.
The best way to wake up bless you my friend. ❤️❤️
I can’t wait to read this. I was just thinking about this fic ❤️❤️ I’m still so happy that I was one of the first to know you were possibly bringing this back love this so much love all of your fics
Hi BK,
Happy Holidays. I love this story. I think it is time for the River Rats and the town to band together and dispose of Kristy and her rotten family. I want to see Tina put her in her place. There is nothing better than standing up to the bullies from school.
Thanks for another great chapter.
I agree. Pass the torches.
Agree. I thought Rosie had been adopted. How can child services lay hands on her?
I shudder to think what meyhem will rain down on Krissie. Her spoiled brat i fixin’ to become motherless
Hey BK, so great to see a new update. Hope you have had a wonderful Christmas.
I am having a few days of from work after today and can’t wait to read it then.
I can’t tell you how much I love this story. Your writing is so beautiful. Thanks Can’t wait to read the next post.
Oh my goodness!!! Please post soon!!!
What a cliffhanger!…I suspect Kristie will find out in the next chapter that she messed with the wrong women, and I can’t wait to read it…
Boo was right – “You get to show other people how to treat you. What is and isn’t acceptable is up to you.” And then Tina telling Kristie to make alternative arrangements for Eliza Jane. You tell her, Tina.
I loved this – Bette to Tina – “You are so fucking sexy when you take charge. I am so wet. Dripping. Tee.” And Tina – ‘Her strong, confident, assured wife giving herself up so willingly? Now that was hot.’
And I would love to see Bette’s new screensaver…
And this line – ‘it’s a gift you know? To help someone transition to the next phase.’ Yes it is.
Excellent writing, BK. Thanks for another great chapter!
I’m so happy you’ve updated these 2 stories. They’re my fave. Looking forward to Bette taking care of business and the pirates doing their thing as well. I’m looking forward to any future chapters. Thank you again for updating!!
BK, I love this story! Kristie doesn’t know who she’s messing with. Bette is going to hit the roof and come for blood! Can’t wait for the next chapter.
Kristy Scott is more than just a problem for Tina. She is a problem for the entire community. The river community! If Kristy is the only visiting medical care for the river, it is a major problem. Individually, there is not much that can be done about Kristy. But if they band together, they can come to a solution in which Kristy can be forced to take her bullying ways elsewhere. The probability is that Chad is a fake and not an official with the Department of Children’s services. He is driving a very expensive truck which a normal employee of Children’s Services simply could not afford. And why won’t he show the paper work? And if Kristy was not the source of the problem, why would she be the one who is pointing out who Rosie is. Billy is right… time for the River residents to band together and make Kristy’s life even more miserable than she has done to them. The immediate situation is to make sure Rosey does not leave with these two people. The next step is to prevent Kristy from coming back to render services to YaYa. The next step after that is to get Kristy removed and replaced as the community medical service. The river community are resourceful and have lived a long time under hard conditions. They are skilled at things Kristy has no idea how to handle.
How about a couple of snakes being found in her home when she arrives at the end of the day? Perhaps two flat tires just as she is trying to go to work? Perhaps her electricity gets shut down with an exploding transformer at the corner of yard? How about a skunk which suddenly takes up residence in her garage? I am not suggesting anything that would be harmful to her physically… I am suggesting a series of incidents which makes her life hell which cannot be traced to an individual or a family or a source but would be obviously from the River Community. Oh and every trip she makes to the river, she for some reason ends up unexpectantly in the water. I am suggesting a series of incident which causes her to seek at least temporary residence elsewhere – like maybe at Mom and Dad’s?
I want to point out that Kristy Scott is not of the River Community. Technically neither is Tina. But Tina has been adopted and accepted by the River as one of them. Rosey is of the River. And they know how much Bette and Tina care for the community. They will come to defend them, just as Bette has come to their aid. They know that they have been receiving Christmas gifts for years and they know the source of that. And getting rid of Kristy Scott will take community action. And when they do… when Bette and Tina and family return to LA, they will be better off as they will have gotten rid of the bully Kristy Scott.
Thanks for the chapter…
Hey BK, hope everything is going well for you. It’s been a little while what is going on with our little family? Little Ro is probably scared to death being taken from her mom in such a manner. Bette needs to get home so they can track down that fake officer of the court and kick the crap out of Kristy as well. We also need an update on Yaya. If you get a chance give us a chapter please.
Ma.n, BK taking Rosie. That’s just plain wrong! Great chapter! Please, please post soon. Been so long.
Hi BK, I hope all is well with you. It has been a long time since we have heard from you.
Hope you are doing well, would love to see a new post. Be well and have a good day.