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    The Perfect Getaway – Chapter one

    "I think what you both need is just some time to yourselves to reconnect and talk without anything getting in the way. What better way to do that then on a beach sipping Mai Tai’s?"

    For a moment, Bette considered her options and it seemed like she was going to say yes but suddenly sadness washed over her and she seemed unsure, "I don’t know, Kit. Tina and I tried for a baby again a few weeks ago. I mean what if it takes? We really can’t afford to just run off to some tropical island for a week"

    "Actually, I think that’s exactly what you two should do"

    Bette just looked at Kit with a torn expression, making her sister frown. Kit clapped her hands together and placed her lips on them, breathing out audibly though her nose. It was something she often did whenever she was frustrated with Bette.

    "Look, you and I both know that you and Tina live a more than comfortable lifestyle. Both of your jobs pay well not to mention the small fortune you’ll bring in with your latest show and Tina’s new movie. You mean to tell me that you can’t spend a small piece of that so that you both can work on your relationship?"

    Bette lowered her gaze as she contemplated her sister’s words. She knew Kit was right and of course she wasn’t done talking.

    "If Tina does get pregnant this time around, you also have to remember that neither of you will have another opportunity like this for a long time. Are you really going to pass that up?"

    That did it. Bette nodded her head pensively and Kit couldn’t help but smile.

    "Tina’s wrap party is tomorrow night and my opening is on Friday . ." Bette thought out loud and excited Kit with the fact that she was about to make the vacation a reality.

    "Exactly! Trust me baby sis, there’s no better time. You and Tina could spend a week on a beach somewhere free from all the stress and bullshit of L.A."

    Bette bit her lip in thought but knowing that there truly was no reason not to go, "We could go to Barbados"


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