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    The Set Up (19)

    Angelica smiled at last, crossing her arms as Bette walked back around to her desk. “You don’t have to explain it to me.”

    “Sure I do,” Bette smiled back, “You’re her little angel. She won’t do anything that would cause you any discomfort. Surely you know that by now.”

    The strength of that phrase really hit Angelica, realizing just how careful Tina was being. Could Mom be like that just because of me? … Me? Really?

    “I just want you to know my intentions with your mother,” Bette smiled, moving to sit behind her desk as Angelica stepped over and sat in the chair Tina had collapsed into earlier. It felt too big for her arms, but she finally made herself comfortable.

    “Your intentions with my mom? What do you mean?”

    “You know,” Bette chuckled, “Like when a boy is dating a girl, and he goes to her dad, and says he has really good intentions? That he wouldn’t ever hurt her?”

    Angelica scrunched up her nose, putting it all together. “So … I’m my mom’s father?”

    Bette laughed aloud for a moment, covering her mouth so they wouldn’t wake Tina. They both shot a look over to the couch, but when Tina didn’t even flinch, they resumed their conversation.

    “No, you’re not her father,” Bette chuckled softly, re-adjusting her legs under her desk. “I just mean that I want you to know I care about your mother, and I would never ever hurt her. I’d like to be there to protect her.”

    “In the night?”

    Bette chuckled again, “Yeah. All the time.”

    “You know … this is all really weird. But you’re really nice.”

    “Uh huh,” Bette smiled again, in awe of the little girl looking so comfortable with such an emotional conversation – the little fingers tapping on the leather. The little feet dangling, the shoelaces perfectly tied.

    “So you think you might be able to deal with me in your life a little more?”

    Angelica smiled in a way warned Bette a tease was on its way. “Maybe a little …”

    “Oh, just a little?”

    Angelica smiled, trying not to laugh before catching sight of a fancy camera up on the shelf. “Do you take pictures?”

    It’s only my greatest passion. “Yeah, I do.”


    1. Hi GR… Thanks for another amazing update! I am sorry to hear that you were not feeling well! And glad to know that you are better now! :-) please take care and get fully recovered! And for someone who is a bit drowsy because of the cold.. I must say that your writing is more than perfect and no one will ever thought that it’s written under such condition ;-) PPVS when you can! ;-)

    2. I know this will make you feelbetter. Three dozen long stemroses delivered by me personally. One dozen red symbolizing my love forYou. One dozen yellow bringing you to a swift recovery. Making you feel better, reminding you of the joy and happiness you bring us all with sharing your stories. And one dozen white roses to remind you of my loyalty to you as one of your many readers. Besides a beautiful woman deserves them all. The voices Bette hears in her mind as she prepares to apologize to Alice I’m certain we have all experienced at one time or another. These voices are real and exactly what we need to hear reminding and directing us to follow the things that feel right in our hearts. Everyone deserves to be lovedunconditionally but we must also be willing to give it in return. Thank you for usingyour imagination I enjoyed it.

    3. Hey GR!Sad to hear you were sick,and happy to know that you’re better now and very very GRATEFUL that you have post a new chapter! Beautiful story ,with a chapter that warms your soul,at least for me. Is wonderful to see how a person like Bette (a player)was given the chance to meet the love of her life and she didn’t let it pass,she overcame her fears and bet on love. And i bet all my chips to the team of Bette-Angie ha!I’m worried about Tina, why she is tired all the time? i hope that is only stress from work and not a serious illness(please don’t be the last!), maybe Bette can take her girls on a nice holiday, what do you think?REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO READ MORE

    4. Thanks for the wonderful posting. Ditto to the comments above. I love the way you are developing all the characters as they travel their paths of humanness. You amaze me and I feel lucky for reading such great stories. Thanks!

    5. Sorry to hear about your ailment GR 😷 hope you got as much rest as Tina did. I have been that exhausted before and sleep was just what the doctor ordered. Thanks for being a super trooper and posting this amazing update for us. Neither rain, sleet or cold, you too good to us 😘

    6. Happy to hear that you’re feeling better and thrilled that you took the time to post this update. I love the relationship that Bette is forming with Angelica and it was really terrific that she took the time to apologize to Alice for the pain she caused her in the past. You’re an amazing writer. PPS!

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