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    Uncharted Territory

    ‘Wrong here.’

    Gathering my stuff slowly I can’t bring myself to disconnect the line. ‘Tell me something sweet to think about before I go.’

    ‘I love you.’

    My purse slips out of my hands and drops upside down onto the floor. Lip gloss, a bunch of receipts and crumbled notes, tissues, small bottle of perfume, a pen and another one, old chocolate bar, painkillers, hair pin, wallet, undefined pieces of broken plastic…Bette’s sunglasses that she has been searching for, for days. I push the red button and end the call. Oh my fucking god!


    Bette’s POV 


    It has to be the guy with the stereotypical oversized glasses who will talk about the figures in the keen way that Tina would talk about movies. Next to him, his junior partner accountant is attentively absorbing every word, not aware yet that he’s looking at himself in thirty years. ‘So if we now take a look at this graphic, we can nicely see how the sales of the second quarter influenced the slightly disappointing results of the first quarter.’

    ‘I believe that first quarter was the result of your brilliant idea to sign that luckily for us undiscovered Picasso of the twenty first century. Weren’t that your exact words James?’ I ask, while I am very much aware that during the first quarter he barely had any support from my side. Renee had just died and I was searching for ways to put my life back together. I answered every phone call and replied to every mail but besides that, most of the time, I was just praying that the gallery would be strong enough to survive.

    ‘It was a mistake.’

    ‘That we prefer not to make again.’ I assure James before motioning at the senior accountant. ‘Go on.’

    As he goes out of his way to translate art to cold, hard figures using his colorful graphics, I trace the edges of my Iphone. When my fingers slip over the screen, the phone wakes up. But then I click on the side and it goes back to sleep again. No text.

    When I ordered these chairs for the conference table in my office, I thought they were artistically stylish. But frankly they are not meant for sitting on longer than fifteen minutes at the time, unless you’re in for a masochistic treat. I check my watch and blink a few times. It’s still on Paris time.


    1. They’ve been through so much that even when they are doing well, a part of me worries for them. Bette taking a trip to L.A. on her own? I’ve never been happier that Tina could join her in the end. But the last part of the chapter killed me… I wish they can have the family that they want.

    2. The good news is that this was a long chapter and the sad news is that this story is almost over and the end of this chapter was so sad. I feel for both of them. I really wish and hope that one day they will have their family!

      The description of Paris, beautiful written! I visited Paris a few times and it’s such a beautiful place!

      Glad that Tina came to LA at the end, came home, the home she left to go to Paris. This is a very important step in their relationship.

      Diana, i love her!

    3. Love the longer chapter. This is such a great story. It can’t be ending, though, that is not ok. Just when they are coming back together. It needs a second verse, please consider continuing it. :)
      One things I love about your writing is that you show the connection in the dialogue you write – no easy task – but artfully done here. It’s in the shorthand way that they talk to each other and in the way they read each other so well. You don’t tell the reader – Tina missed Bette – you add them talking about Tina being in a grumpy mood because she is accustomed to hitting snooze since Bette has been with her and this morning she had a hard time getting to work on time because of it. It’s delightful and adds such depth. Thank you !

    4. I’m one of the silent readers. I absolutely loved this story and your writing is beautiful. I almost want to go to France now! I look forward to reading more of your work.

    5. Oh my fucking God! What an brilliant chapter! The way Tina was like struck with lightning when Bette told her that she loves her. The way you used content of the purse to show Tina collecting herself and then hanging up! And then the voice text and the way Tina subtly used LDR to tell Bette that she loves her too, just bc it wouldn’t do it justice to say it over the phone for the first time after such a long time. And then their acknowledgment with ‘I got your text’/‘I got your flowers’! And what an amazing way to show through Helena and Winny what divorce does to the surrounding, it’s such a heavy ballast that impacts everyone.
      The way you showed how Bette misses working but how she grew and learned what really matters! I love Bette in the gallery! And the way you used Tina starting to write again as a reference to her growing feelings for Bette (as Tina said bf ‘It had nothing to do with Paris’). Not only that you said you are about to finish the story, but you write it in so many small details, that you make it beautiful but painful obvious! (Sorry for all exclamation marks – this story makes me that excited!) And then… at the end, the twist I’ve never seen coming… I could feel how lonely Tina was without you putting too much effort in it. It broke my heart. Seeing this story and it’s tone it wouldn’t surprise me anymore if it would happen they end up with just the two of them. It would be so sad and yet it would fit this story.

      BK is right though-sequel maybe?

    6. I’ve read this stories since 2 or 3 days ago.. And finnished all 22 chapters in short time (English not my language so that rate of speed.. Is really super fast on my account lol). I even read at office in working hours… (Bad employee i am.. Hahaha)
      But your stories are just soooo good… Makes me so addicted.. Turned every emotions upside down… The chaos, turmoil because of the loving, cheating, regretting, feeling lost, it’s so mixed up..
      Can wait for the next chapter..
      Finally, thank you for sharing your wonderful story…

    7. Wow… i just realise how much i Missed this story…
      It woke so many emotions in me… Like silent reader my first language isn´t english – but i could not stop enjoy this story!

      I hope so much you will finish it one day!!

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