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    When New and Old Collide: Chapter 17

    When New and Old Collide: Chapter 17




                Shane is interrupted by Tina and Beth coming into the room.


     Beth: “SHANEmommy said I can bring a movie” she stops suddenly when she sees Bette. “Hi, who are you? You are very pretty; I like your hair it’s like mine.”


     Bette: “Hi, my name is Bette I like your hair too.”


     Tina: “Ok, Bethy you grab a movie and go with Auntie Shane so mommy can talk to Bette ok.”


     Beth: “Ok mommy. Can we watch The Incredibles Auntie Shane?”


     Shane: (rolling her eyes) “Again are you sure there is not another one you would like to watch.”


     Beth: “No. I only like this one. Please Auntie” she says giving her 1000 watt smile.


     Shane: “Fine, let’s get going. Bye Bette, Tina I will see you in a little while.”


                As Shane and Beth walk out the back door Bette and Tina just stare at each other; both not knowing what to say first and waiting for the other to step up to the plate. After about two minutes which felt like two hours Bette stepped up.


     Bette: “Tina I”



    Bette: “Tina II just want to say again that I am so sorry”


    Tina: “Bette, you do not have to keep saying you’re sorry. You have told me a million times, and sorry doesn’t really cut it Bette.”


    Bette: “I know it doesn’t but I justI don’t know what to say to make this situation better.”


    Tina: “That is the thing Bette, there is nothing that you could say to make the last three years not happen. I wish there was because that would make everything so much better.”


    Bette: “Are you happy with your current life situation Tina?”


    Tina: “Yes!” she says a little too fast catching Bette‘s attention. “I have a beautiful daughter, a good job, and I have a great house. What more could I ask for?”


    Bette: “You did not mention Jaime, are you happy with her?”


    Tina: “You didn’t give me a chance Bette. Of course I am happy with Jaime we have been together for two years and I love her very much.” She says sounding more like she is trying to convince herself than Bette.

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    1. When you get family menber involved in personal thing. like Jaime just did you are asking for trouble. Jaime and Anne might stir up a bees nest that they can’t out run. I don’t believe that Jaime has a chance

    2. Wow, drami, this is a great story. Just read all the chapters from the beginning, and loving it. Wow, Tina’s sister lives in CA, but she never knew Bette? Hope she saw that Tina was the one that instigated the kiss, and how much chemistry these two share. And, most importantly, how Jaime, doesn’t stand a chance. Great story, please post soon.

    3. Well Jaime got to go and gone forever. Wow Tina kiss Bette and Tina’s sister watch them by the window, this is getten more fun, drama will began again. Ok post soon please, thanks!

    4. Tina, Tina, Tina, being all serious, its about Beth, I’m with Jamie. Blah, Blah, you know you love Bette, and you kiss her out of nowhere. Love that. Jamie, grow up. Deal with things one on one, lets not have Tina’s sister coming in and helping to stir up an already tense situation. Please don’t keep our girls apart too long.

    5. Jaime tsk tsk when a woman needs to think about marrying you that usually spells trouble when Bette is involved it spells big trouble. Tina should really figure out what she wants I for one cant bare to think that their is going to be a crazy ex and sister on the war path…

    6. Tina you can fight fate or the urge to be in Bettes arms again is a lost Jamie please run when you still have some pride you have no chance in hell with Tina after Bettes back..ok i but Tina hurt Bette about the cheater..hope she say sorry…amazing chapter love it post real soon

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