Fan Fiction
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Chapter 21 – SUVs and Therapy
A New Life
Chapter 21 – SUVs and Therapy
At 5:00 am, Tina jostled Bette awake and told her to get up and get her running clothes on. Today was going to be a full day. Bette grumbled and finally rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Tina went and found her some appropriate underwear and clothes to wear. She checked the bed and found that Bette had not sweated during the night and that the sheets could were good for another night. She quickly made up the bed.
Bette emerged from the bathroom still naked in all of her glory. Tina smiled and went over and gave her the traditional good morning kiss. Bette smiled and still grumbled a little. Mornings were not Bette’s favorite time of the day.
Tina: I’m going to get some bottles of water for us and a couple of towels. I’ll meet you out front.
Bette: I’ll be there in a few minutes.
Tina: We have a lot to do today. So, let’s get moving.
Tina exited the room and went downstairs to the kitchen. She found a couple of clean towels in the laundry room and brought those out to the table. She then when and got 4 bottles of water. She put two on the table and then put a third one on the table. Angie, would we be returning within a few minutes of their return. She wanted the water to be closer to room temperature so that it could be downed quickly.
Bette soon joined Tina on the front steps and went over and pulled her into a hug and a kiss. They then started to do their stretches and warm up exercise.
Bette: Good morning sweetie. Did you sleep well.
Tina: I slept fine. I think I am a little nervous about today’s therapy session. But I will be alright.
Bette: Well, let’s try to pick up those new SUVs’ this morning so you will have it in time to drive to your session.
Tina: Good idea. Ready? I think we should only run about an hour to an hour and a quarter.
Bette: Sounds good to me.
They were off and running. Both of them had worked up a good sweat when they had returned. Tina suggested that they get some better running shoes. And since Angie was going to start track in the fall, it would be best to get her some good quality running shoes to support her feet and legs. Angie was now running six or seven days per week for about hour and one half per day. Bette agreed that a good pair of running shoes would be nice to have.
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Hey Martha,
Great chapter!!!
It was good to hear about Tina’s past, like Bette said the way you grew up, you take some of that with you, in how you act especially. Hypnose, I’m not against that if it can help you and get you quicker to understand some things about yourself, still talking and getting tools to handle situations is very important, Tina really needs that so that her first instinct is not to just run away but rather think and communicate about it.
Bette is so supportive and sweet to Tina, i simply love her.
And Angie is so happy with her SUV, she can handle that responsibility, she will do not crazy things.
By the end of this story, I think you will see that Tina is very much aware of what caused her to run. I think that she will be more aware of how she perceives life and will make a conscious effort to communicate with Bette. The cost of not communicating is high and not one she wants to pay.
The weekend is coming. And it’s off to Vancouver.
Thanks for reading and for commenting. You seem to be enjoying this so far… I hope that continues.
Oh dear, Tina didn’t have a very happy childhood did she!
Thank goodness for her father, he seemed to be there for her in her younger days, far more than her mother. I cant understand her mum, why would you put your career in front of your children. It seems it was just with her, she wasn’t there much for her brother and sister either !
It’s very sad as well that she has not seen her sibling for such a lot of years. That must be terrible and have som3 sort of effect on you.
Thank goodness she found her Bette and found their deep love.
Then ….. eventually loosing her father and thinking he wanted to go and make a new life with a new family…..heartbreaking!
Poor Tina, considering she had such a loveless childhood she has at least turned out to be a very caring and loving adult, wife and mother. Perhaps this flight tendency she has is a protection technique? She’s been hurt so much by all her family leaving her, she now just ups and leaves a situations before she is hurt!
Oh dear !
The thing about childhood and your relationship with your family is that generally, it’s the only one we know. Donna is the only mother Tina knows until she gets older and associates with other families and people and can see the difference in relationships. Donna is not an ideal mother. She is very much into appearances than in reality of situations. And this has a huge impact on her children. Her children never really have a bond with their mother and yet they very much have a bond with their father. It’s their father who engages with the children and their lives.
As to Steven cheating and leaving the family? Well, I do not believe that was what he really wanted. But Steven believed that he owed this new child a father. Since two of the three of his first children were close to or at adulthood, and with Tina being 13 years (almost 14), he decided that his place was with the child yet to be born. Steven’s relationship with Donna did not make it appealing to stay with his original family. So, he chose that which he believed best for everyone and not necessarily what was best for himself. To me Steven was a man trapped by circumstances, some of which were not of his own making. Sometimes, decisions are tough as there is always someone who get hurt.
There is much more to come on Tina’s backstory.
Thanks for reading and for commenting.