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    Chapter 23 – Moving Day

    A New Day

    Chapter 23 – Moving Day

    Tina found herself pinned by Bette under her thigh and arm when she had the urgent need to go to the bath room.  Tina managed to encourage Bette to turn over on her back thus removing her leg from Tina’s groin.  Tina quickly moved out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

    Bette turned over and found the bed empty but the space which Tina had occupied was still warm. Bette quickly claimed it and drifted back to sleep.

    Tina returned to the bedroom and started to prepare for her morning run.

    Tina:  Bette honey, are you going to run this morning?  If you are, you need to get up and get moving!

    Bette: Oh, Tee?  Come back to bed. It’s early.

    Tina:  We have about 10 minutes to get out the door if we are to be back in time to get Angie’s breakfast.  Come on.  You got new shoes and socks to try out.  It’s our day to run!

    Bette:  Oh, alright! You are such a meany! I should have known that you would make me run when you bought me those shoes!

    Tina laughed as Bette staggered to the bathroom.  Tina stripped the bed and pulled the dirty laundry out of the bathroom. While Bette was still dressing, Tina took the laundry down and started the first load. She met Angie bounding downstairs getting ready to start her run.

    Tina: Morning Angie.  Sleep well?

    Angie (smiling):  Yes, I did.  But I am anxious to try out my new shoes.

    Tina:  Get your bed stripped and your dirty laundry down before you leave for school. No need to make it up again as you are getting a new mattress. Okay.

    Tina then hugged her daughter then Angie went out and began her run.

    Bette came down just a minute later wearing a ball cap to keep the hair out of her eyes and dressed in her running shorts and tank top.

    Tina:  Morning Bette. You are looking good. Are you ready for a little run?

    Tina walked over and kissed Bette good morning.

    Bette: Good morning, T.  Yes, I’m ready.

    They went out the front door and started to do their stretches and saw Angie’s gray SUV. For a moment they did not recognize the vehicle.  They both laughed at themselves and each other that they realized that both had forgotten it.

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    1. Wow, a lot to do around the house !
      Tina’s finally got her boxes unpacked and put away. It’s nice that she’s able to have her own office space. They will both need the space once they start working for the Peabody Foundation.

      Angie did excellently! Good for her, she has worked hard, harder I think since she moved away from Jordi. It would have been interesting to see just what races Jordi achieved, not as good as Angie’s, I’m thinking!

      Now all packed for Vancouver and Angie for her stay with Shane….. looking forward to seeing what the next chapter brings…. Thank you

    2. Janice24,

      You have been very faithful in making comments. I do appreciate you.

      Yes, Bette and Tina need to go through a process to provide the space for Tina to be a true resident of the house. Bette remembers that Tina said she felt she needed space and that was one of the reasons she left. Bette is determined to provide Tina with her own personal space so that she can feel that she too is an equal member of the family. This office now consists of the furnishings picked out and arranged by Tina. It is a place which she can have times of privacy and or to work undisturbed by the rest of the household.

      So, it’s on to Vancouver for the weekend.

      Thank you for reading and commenting.

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