Fan Fiction
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Chapter 29 – Sunday of Arts, Artifacts and Gardens
They moved to the museum which housed various artifacts along with their history of the region. One section was dedicated to the clothing of various eras. They contained the casual dress and the more formal dress from various eras going back to the early 1800s. Angie thought the roaring twenties flapper style was rather interesting. The presentation ended in the early 1950s. Angie was enthralled with the exhibit. In the next section was a display of the mining equipment and the story of gold in California and the railroad construction which gave the Los Angeles area access to the rest of the country. Then there was an exhibit on the shipping industry and how it had developed from the early 1800s until the end of World War II. There were plates and flatware from the Queen Mary, its conversion from a passenger ship to a military transport ship during World War I. There were large pictures of whaling ships and schooners with some equipment such as harpoons and rope and other displays. And in the final section was a display of government. The display was of some original documents which were under glass of laws passed by the legislature and their significance to life in California. One document was when California ratified the Amendment to the Constitution giving women the right to vote. When Angie realized that the right for women to vote was only a hundred years old, she was shocked.
Bette: Angie, civil rights – the right to vote, to not to be discriminated against because of your color, school of your choice, to live where you choose, to go to school with all other children your age regardless of color, the right for gay people to marry have all been long and hard fought for causes. It has taken a long time and a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get some of these things. And we still have to keep fighting to make sure everyone is treated the same. Fortunately, you will enjoy a lot of the rights that have already been granted, but there is still more we have to do.
Angie: Like what?
Bette: Like more equality in the justice system. People of color get longer prison sentences than those who are not for the same crimes. Equal rights for gay people. There are states that still prohibit adoption of children if the adopting parents are gay. You can fire someone from their job because they are gay. There is still a lot of work to do.
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It’s so important to be aware of the history and how people fought for rights that nobody should take for granted. I have read about gay people who can be fired just because they love the same sex, it’s truly awful that there is still not equality for all the people, it shouldn’t matter who you love or that your white or black or mixed or whatever.
I always wanted to go to the USA but i don’t think I’ll feel comfortable, i follow the news and I’m really scared that when Trump wins, the USA will change dramatically and not for the best.
If you ever get the opportunity to visit America, you should. Generally, visitors are welcomed and treated well regardless of their lifestyle, heritage or beliefs. As to discrimination, I am afraid that it exists everywhere in the world. Some places more so than others. The one thing about being gay is that people do not have any particular identifying mark or characteristic which indicates that they are gay or straight or whatever. Discrimination is usually subtle and not obvious. The US has made progress toward equality through laws and the justice system at least until the most conservatives gain control of the government. The conservatives seem to want to protect the majority rather than minorities. The election here is polling close as to who may win. It is my hopes that Harris wins as another term with Trump would be disastrous for our country. But that is a personal opinion.
I think it is important for people to know history of their country and of the world. There have always been good people with good intentions and bad people with bad intentions. There have been those who wanted to control more of the world than they deserve. There are countries who give their people a greater voice in their government and those which do not. It is my hope that the world would learn to peacefully co-exist, and deal with each other honestly and fairly. But there are those who want to fair better in any deal than those they are dealing with. There are those who believe that there are those they are superior to others because of their beliefs, lifestyle, or heritage. There always has been and there always will be as far as I can tell.
My thanks for your comment.
I love how thirsty Angie is about finding out about things, always asking questions and wanting to know about history. Bette and Tina are also very knowledgeable and explain things to her beautifully but knowing Angie she will follow up on investigating on her own.
Another day spen5 together just being a family, talking together and eating together!!
Family Life at its best .
Angie has always been a curious child. She has been exposed to a lot of different things and much of it is not in the classroom – Arts, history and science. Like her moms, she sees the beauty and the awesomeness of the world. I think that she is one of those people who will attract and keep a lot of friends around her.
Thanks for reading and commenting. You are closing in on the end of the story.