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    Chapter 3 – Lets Make a Deal

    Tina:  What?  Melvin provided that I would get 50% of Bette’s inheritance. And if I am dead, my children get my portion. And if no children it goes to Bette?

    Bette:  Daddy provided for Tina?  Oh my god?  This is amazing, but why did he treat her so poorly when he was alive?

    Kit:  Bette, Daddy was old school. He could never show what was really in his heart. He would appear weak and inappropriate and human.

    Bette:  Well, I think it’s fantastic that he did this. Now I know that at least Tina has some assets if anything should happen to me.  But that is not today’s problem.  From what you are telling me, Daddy knew about Paris and Mary but he had no idea where they were or what Paris’s name was? And it looks like Paris has a small window to make a claim to get her inheritance. And once that window passes, she going to lose everything. I think Paris and Mary need a lawyer. And quickly.

    Kit:  That’s what I thought also.  And what about the trust that were never distributed?

    Tina:  Well, I think that is where legal advice is also needed.

    Bette:  If everything goes right, Paris gets her one third and we have no additional taxes.

    Tina:  That’s going to be a nice wedding present.

    Kit:  Bette, you need to read this for yourself before you talk to Paris or to a lawyer.  Oh, here are three copies.  Sonny got an extra one for a lawyer. I have a copy and the original.

    Bette:  Thank you Kit.  Do you want to participate in the meetings with the lawyer? I don’t think that I will need an attorney and I do not think that we can all have the same lawyer in this matter. There is a natural conflict of interest and no worthwhile lawyer would represent us all.

    Kit: I will be glad to meet if needed but only for the purpose that the three of us get equal shares of the estate.  If I need to do anything to prove that Paris is also a child of Melvin Porter like submit a DNA sample or whatever, I will be glad to assist.

    Bette:  Tina and I and the kids are supposed to have dinner with Paris and Jeanette tomorrow night. I may get Paris aside and give her these documents and then see if she has an attorney.  If not, I going to recommend Joyce Wischnia.  Perhaps Joyce can represent Mary as well in any action necessary to get the trust released.


    1. Collins,
      Isn’t that the way life is? Lots of things going on which requires multi-tasking? My Bette and Tina are on the same page… they have been working at it for more than 20 years. They know what irritates and what soothes the other. They know they have responsibilities for their children. And most of all, they love their choices they have made in life – each other as partners, their professions, and their role as parents. This is a summer of change for these two. New professions, new home and a some what different family structure. The transition from their New York life to a life in California is full and getting Angie ready for Yale is thrown into the mix. Time is limited and what needs to be accomplished is much. And these two women will get it done…

      Thank you for reading.

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