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    Chapter 3 – Lets Make a Deal

    Tina:  Well, this looks good for Paris.  But this now opens another can of worms.

    Kit:  And what is that?

    Tina:  Melvin knew about Mary and that he had another child.  He knew that Maxine aka Mary Southerland was still alive and that she had a child. So, if he knew, how did he find out and why didn’t he try to find them?

    Bette:  Perhaps he did find them and that’s how Paris was able to go to school in England. But the fact that he knew of Paris’s existence, is going to be very hurtful to Paris. It’s a parent who rejected her and that hurts. She’s had enough problems reconciling to the fact that Mary lied to her for years as to who her father was and knowing that he was alive up until she was 24 years old and was never given an opportunity to meet him. And now she will know that Melvin knew she existed but never put forth the effort to meet her or claim her until he prepared his will.

    Kit:  I see what you’re saying. I think you are right. She is going to be hurt and angry with Daddy and with Mary all over again. And I don’t think that being mentioned in the will brush away all that hurt either.

    Tina:  We will rally around her and give her all the support we can. We cannot undo what has already been done.  But we can tell her and show her that we love her and she is a valued member to this family.

    Kit:  We certainly do love her; and Jeanette. Okay, why don’t we go to dinner?  I do appreciate you guys making time for me to talk about this Daddy thing. But I think I’m going to let you guys take the lead and I am available if needed. I’ll call Paris later this week after you all have talked to her about this. I want her to know that I am in full support of her getting her portion of Daddy’s estate and I am here for her whenever she needs me.

    Tina:  Paris is going to need all the family support she can get.

    Bette:   Let’s go to The Planet.  Maybe we can get some pastries for the kid’s breakfast tomorrow.


    1. Collins,
      Isn’t that the way life is? Lots of things going on which requires multi-tasking? My Bette and Tina are on the same page… they have been working at it for more than 20 years. They know what irritates and what soothes the other. They know they have responsibilities for their children. And most of all, they love their choices they have made in life – each other as partners, their professions, and their role as parents. This is a summer of change for these two. New professions, new home and a some what different family structure. The transition from their New York life to a life in California is full and getting Angie ready for Yale is thrown into the mix. Time is limited and what needs to be accomplished is much. And these two women will get it done…

      Thank you for reading.

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