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    Chapter 4

    Tina sat looking at the email that had just come through, she’d been on the phone most of the morning, talking to her old boss. She had told him she was looking to work again, he had offered her a job, on the spot and now she was looking at the details he had sent her.

    She heard the front door open and close and Bette came in throwing her briefcase onto the chair near the door and removing her jacket.

    “What a fucking day?” She said softly.

    “Bad?” Tina asked.

    “The worst, Franklin is still angry that the show was a success, I think it doesn’t help that Peggy demanded that I stay,”

    “If you’re not happy,” Tina said, “Move on,”

    “I’ve got another year on my contract.”

    “Put some feelers out. You are responsible for your own happiness.”

    “You’re right,” Bette nodded before she removed her cuff links and rolled her sleeves. Putting her cuff links on the small end table.

    She walked into the kitchen turned on the coffee machine.

    “How was your day?” Bette asked as she looked over at Tina.

    “Productive I think.”

    “in what way?”

    “I spoke to Jimmy Carlton.”

    “Head of talent at Alphaville, is he still there?”

    “Yeah, the one and same,”

    “Good chat?” Bette asked as she made herself a coffee and lent on the counter, she couldn’t take her eyes of Tina. She was finding herself falling deeper in love with her. She knew now that this really was the woman for her.

    “Very, he has offered me a job,”


    “You don’t have to sound so shocked.”

    “I know I know I’m sorry,” Bette said,

    “He has offered me a good job, in fact.”

    “What is it?”

    “Head of Creative it would be my job to get the scripts, get editors, make sure that we can actually make movies.”

    “You should go for it, you’re perfect for that job,”

    “That’s what Jimmy said, he has sent me the spec sheet, with a salary offer. He knows I’m pregnant and is fine with it. He has offered me leave.”

    “He really wants you?” Bette was smiling.

    “Yeah he does, I worked for him before, he knows I can deliver.”

    “You want this,” Bette said,

    Tina looked at her, smiling. She did want this. The moment was amazing, the hours weren’t crazy and she didn’t have to be on set. She could work from home if she wanted.

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