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    Chapter 5

    Tina was putting together a salad for family night, she knew the girls were bring pizza with them, on Alice’s request but the thought of it was actually making her feel sick. She needed something lighter and healthier. Bette walked up behind her, since the other night, they had been more openly affectionate with each other, Bette was determined to get them back on track. Bette slowly put her arms around Tina’s waist resting her hands on her stomach, where they both knew their baby was. The day before they had seen Dr. Wilson, she had told them they were expecting again and their babies heartbeat had filled the room. Making both of them emotional.

    “How are you feeling?” Bette asked,

    Tina relaxed into Bette’s arms. They had been talking more and Tina needed the physical affection as well as Bette’s words.

    “My stomach doesn’t want pizza, the thought of it is making me want to be sick. I’m hoping it passes,”

    “that’s why you are making salad,”

    “Yeah, I have to listen to my body right now,”

    “You do,” Bette popped her head onto her shoulder and saw the grilled chicken strips that Tina had put into the salad, “Is there enough for me?”

    “Always,” Tina said softly.

    “I’ll have that with you instead of the pizza,”

    “You don’t have too,”

    “Baby I want too,”


    Tina started chopping the tomatoes, as the front door opened,

    “Are we okay to come in?” Shane asked poking her head around the door.

    “You’re fine,” Bette went to let go of Tina’ but Tina moved her hand, covering Bette’s to stop her moving away.

    “Please don’t,” She said softly.

    Bette smiled and stood closer, knowing that this was the first time all their friends would be together since the opening. Tina was nervous.

    “Why are you making salad, we have pizza?” Alice said as she put the pizza onto the dinning table and looked at the box of beers that Shane had put there too.

    “I’ve had a bug,” Tina said soft, “My stomach isn’t up to pizza, sorry Al,”

    “That’s fine more for me,” she laughed as she removed her jacket.

    Tina smiled softly as watched the girls open the pizza box and open their beers.

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    1. Thank you for the update.

      It’s out now and Alice will not stop to meddle her nose into their business.
      Please have her move as far as possible somewhere else to live, they don’t need her to stick her nose and opinions into their relationship.

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