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    Chapter 6

    Tina had decided she was very hungry, they were now sat around the table eating the pile of Chinese takeout that Tina had ordered.

    “Are you sure you were feeling sick earlier?”

    “I know but my body is doing crazy things right now B,”

    “I know, I know,” She smiled.

    Tina was happily eating when the door was knocked, hard. Like someone was trying to bang threw it. Bette shook her head and got up as Tina bit into a spring roll.

    Bette got up and opened the door to find Alice stood at the door.

    “Is…it…true,” She demanded.

    “Alice, none of this is your business,”

    “None of my business you’ve cheated on my friend, you’ve ruined everything, you’re not the perfect couple.”

    Bette looked at Tina who was eating another spring roll and had stop before biting it had Alice words. Tina shook her head before she got up.

    “Alice,” Tina said softly but from her tone Bette knew her temper was just under the surface.

    “Tina, how can you…”

    “None of this is your fucking business,” Tina said measured. She knew she had to nip this down now. She had to stop this going anything further.

    “None of my business…”

    “You know when some things are between the people that actually matter in the conversations, this isn’t a lifetime movie or some TV show, this is mine and Bette’s life, and sometimes, well most of the time, our private life is that private between me and Bette. You don’t get to come here and judge either of us. You’re not fucking perfect, you just want the gossip to feed your life and you’re not getting any. I’m sorry but you’re not. None of this is your business, if and when Bette and I want to tell people about it, we will, until then it’s private. GOT IT.”

    Tina was angry now and had gone red in the face, Bette knew to step back and let her exploded it was the easiest way to deal with it, she wasn’t sure that Alice knew.

    “But…” Alice started

    “Did you just listen to me, there are no buts, you’re our friend, but I will not allow you to interfere with our life’s or judge us in anyway. You are here because so-and-so told you something, you called Bette who said she didn’t want to talk to you about the subject, yet here you are, talking about it. It’s nothing to do with you or Dana or Shane, it’s to do with me and Bette. You’re not getting any gossip from me, you’re not getting anything from me or Bette. Find something else to gossip about.”

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    1. Well done Tina Telling Alice it’s none of her business and that’s a private matter. Glad Tina told her off.

      The little gestures are important in a relationship, good that Bette bought a audiobook for selfhelp.

      Love the story!

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