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    Chapter 7

    Tina stood in front of the mirror in their bedroom, she was just wearing a bar and low riding shorts she turned to look at her stomach. She ran her hands over her stomach which had ‘popped’. Her stomach that had been flat for years was now slightly rounded. she turned to the side to check it out.

    Bette walked in from the bathroom and smiled,

    “What you doing?” Bette asked as she did up her lose fitting shirt.

    “Do you think I’m starting to show?” Tina asked softly, a little insecure about it.

    Bette walked over standing behind Tina, she looked into the mirror, catching Tina’s eye as she slipped her arms Tina’s waist and gently rested her hands on Tina’s stomach. Smiling.

    “You are showing, and it’s amazing. Our baby is in there.” Bette gently kissed Tina’s cheek.

    “We will need to tell people I’m pregnant soon before Alice thinks I’m just getting fat.” Tina said.

    “You’re not fat, you’re giving our baby the best start.”

    Bette pulled away, sitting onto the bed. Tina reached for her tank top.

    “I’m hungry,” Tina said suddenly

    “We can eat Is there anything you would like?”

    “Fries,” Tina said smiling as she turned and looked at Bette who was brushing her hair. Tina took a deep breath.

    “What is it?”

    “You’re so beautiful,” Tina whispered.

    Bette smiled.

    “As are you,”

    Tina licked her lips, they were slowly getting back on track, they spent most nights talking, finding a common ground.

    Tina moved and kissed Bette’s lips.

    “I also would love a ice drink,”

    “I’m sure we can make that happen,”



    They walked into The Planet, that Kit had fully refurbished. It looked amazing. They walked in holding hands. The noticed at once that the gang were on a table near the outdoor area, they joined the queue that had formed and Tina was reading the new menu.

    “What would you like baby girl?” Kit’s voice floated over the counter, Tina looked up at her sister in law.

    “Hi Kit,”

    “Hi how are you?”

    “Craving fries, and a cold ice drink”

    “I can help with both of those,”

    “I would like a small fries and a mango ice drink please,”

    “Can I have a coffee please,” Bette asked smiling.

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