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    Chapter 6. Restraint

    Carol places a finger on Helena’s lips shushing her

    “You ask too many questions” Carol removes her finger, pulls out of Helena’s embrace and walks back inside making her way to the bar.

    Helena follows and stops besides her as she pours some red wine into two glasses handing one to Helena and taking a sip out of the other

    “I have told you I don’t want Tina with Bette. Bette is not good enough for her. Bette is reckless, unstable, incapable of change..When I was having an affair with her I was scared of her temper..Scared she was going to hurt me..I don’t want that to happen to Tina”

    Helena looks at her skeptically

    “Carol it’s not that I don’t believe you but the Bette you are describing doesn’t sound like the Bette I have been around these last few days..Don’t you think it’s possible Bette is not like that anymore”

    Carol shrugs “I don’t want her with Tina” she states pointedly sipping on her wine

    Helena narrows her eyes “Carol..You are saying you don’t want Tina with Bette and when you saw their kiss you just jumped right back in and made a bogus claim you and Bette were in a relationship..So you obviously don’t won’t Bette and your explanation as to why you don’t want Tina with her doesn’t make sense.”

    Carol finishes off her wine “I’m not discussing this with you anymore..You will find out when I’m ready for you to find out..Now I’m going to get a shower…You are welcome to join me”

    Helena watches Carol retreat to the bathroom and after hearing the shower running she grabs her cellphone out of her purse and steps out on the balcony dialing a number..

    “Hey…Find a connection between Tina and Carol..For some reason she doesn’t want Bette anywhere near her but she won’t give up a reasonable explanation why” Helena ends the call “What the bloody hell are you hiding Carol”


    After they finished up enjoying their meal from room service Tina decided to take a shower and had just finished.  She takes one towel and runs it all through her hair to remove the excess water and wraps another towel around herself ..She hangs the other towel on the rack to dry and after running her fingers through her hair she makes her way to the kitchen counter to retrieve the cellphone she left from when they were having dinner earlier. She turns to see Bette standing in the living room staring at her..Mouth agape..Her eyes fixed on Tina’s towel wrapped body knowing she wasn’t wearing anything else underneath ..Bette steps closer catching Tina’s gaze


    1. Well I really wasn’t expecting that. Ooh la la!! Tina is quite the tease. Glad that they are clearly so into each other but given Bette’s reputation, Tina is playing with fire. Really, Tina. You can’t have it both ways – total come on then pull out the contract? Tsk! Tsk! Cold shower time for Bette! Wonder what the connection is between Tina and Carol. If there is one. Of course Carol is lying to Helena about Bette. She either has some sheer hostility for Bette or is disguising her jealousy by pretending concern for Tina. Carol has a very clear agenda. Very interesting developments.

    2. Well, if I were Bette, I would do a little more than just shower. I would do a little DIY and makes as loud a passionate moans and cries that I could. It then would parade through the bedroom wrapped in a towel and dress in the room with the sofa bed. Oh and make sure Bette leaves the door open for a full view. Oh and I might even sleep sans pajamas… Two can play this game. Tina knows what she is doing and putting that kind of temptation and the leading on that she is doing does not make life easier for either of them. When she allowed Bette to approach her without stopping her was not in accordance with the contract. She purposely teased and entice Bette – not a very ethical thing and not in the spirit of the contract. I can see that Tina will be in the room in a towel or in her underwear and may be observed by Bette. But when she knowing that her approaching her to be romantic and not stopping her, well that is being a bitch. By the same token, if Bette is in a towel or her underwear and Tina approaches to be romantic, that is not in the sprit of the contract. The contract was not a license to drive Bette crazy with desire for something she couldn’t have. It was designed to change Bette’s public image by providing her with a stable appearing fake girlfriend. There needs to be a level playing field when in private…. Needless to say, I am very upset with Tina’s behavior here.

      Carol seems to me to be just psycho. Tina probably turned Carol down for an affair and therefore if she can’t have her, then no one can have her…

      • Martha3128

        I agree..That certainly was a bitch move Tina made..It shocked me as well and I’m the one who wrote it..

        As for Carol let’s see what she’s up to next chapter which I will be posting probably before the night is out..It will be the last one for a few days while I start posting updates for my other story

        Thanks for reading and commenting

      • Staying with the naked idea, Tina certainly got Bette thinking about sex. Bette Porter with a naked woman – and not just any naked woman. Not sure what Tina was thinking but agree that a naked Bette sometime in the near future is appropriate payback. Also agree that the scales have been tipped regarding the agreement and Tina is definitely NOT helping Bette right now. The image of Tina’s body is forever imprinted in her brain and other places. What is Bette supposed to do about that? Thought Tina was supposed to be a good and somewhat calming influence. She needed to put the breaks on much much sooner. We all know they are well on their way to falling in love but Tina seems to have skipped a step or two.

    3. Oh Tina, you are such a tease and then bringing up the contract, tssk!

      I don’t trust Helena, is she two timing? She seems to be already involved with Carol before she agreed to the plan?! Why doesn’t want Carol Tina being in a relationship with Bette? Is she interested in Tina herself?

      Wonderful comments from Martha and Billy!

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