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    “Couple’s” Therapy

    Tina woke up just before dawn after Bette adjusted her position in her lap. They were still on the couch. Bette turned into Tina’s stomach. She wrapped one arm around Tina’s waist and Bette’s other hand rested on Tina’s mound. Bette nuzzled her nose into the exposed skin between Tina’s tank top and joggers. She saw Bette take a deep breath and a slight smile tugged at the corners of Bette’s mouth. She looked so peaceful. Tina refrained from leaning down to give Bette a kiss instead she watched her sleep. Tina also refrained from caressing Bette’s cheek. She wanted to relish in the simplicity of this moment for as long as possible. However, she knew there was nothing simple about the moment at all. It was extremely complicated.

    Tina was mesmerized by Bette’s beauty. She hadn’t had the chance to look at her closely like this in a long time. Her skin was flawless. Her cheekbones. Her lips. 


    Tina inhaled and exhaled slowly. Bette was beautiful.

    Tina gasped when she felt Bette’s hand slide under her tank top and firmly grasp her breast. Tina looked down at Bette. Her eyes were still closed. Her breath was still steady. She was asleep. Tina watched Bette’s hand massage her left breast. She remembered how Bette used to say her breasts were made for her hands. She said they fit perfectly. It felt perfect in Bette’s hand.

    Bette squeezed and released firmly. She rolled her thumb over her nipple. She repeated this over and over again. She was driving Tina insane. Tina’s head fell backwards onto the couch. She tried not to make a sound or move too much. She didn’t want Bette to stop…ever. 

    Tina closed her eyes tightly. She knew she needed to stop Bette but it felt so fucking good. Her body ached for Bette. 

    “mmm…Teee…” Bette mumbled.

    Tina’s eyes flew open. She called her Tee.

    Tina looked down and Bette was still sleeping. 

    She had only caught Bette sleep talking a couple of times before. Both times were due to the fact Bette had a lot on her mind and she didn’t know how to discuss it…how to open up to Tina. She had never wanted to share every part of her life with someone before Tina. Both times, Tina pulled her close, kissed her on the forehead and stroked her back until Bette woke up.

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    1. I was just finished writing my comment and boom, before i could save it it disappeared.

      I’ll not begin again but i can say it was an really interesting chapter and what the most emotional part was when Bette said “i lost a baby too and then I lost you”. My heart broke in a million pieces.

      It will take time but I’m confident that with Julia’s guidances they will rebuild their relationship and it will be an even better relationship.

      Thank you so much for this incredible story!!!

      • I’m so sorry you lost your comment. Thank you for sending another one. Yes, the “i lost a baby too and I lost you” part was brutal. Yes, Tina had a miscarriage but Bette lost too. How painful.

        Julia is a rockstar in my book.

    2. TB4EE,
      Looooove how U’ve filled in some of the thoughts & actions of what happened after Tina’s miscarriage. Those two had probably read darn near every book on babies & motherhood and were fully engaged in the expected life change (remem the “intervention by their friends? HeHeHe).

      But I dont think they ever thought that the pregnancy might not go to term. They just didn’t know how to communicate about it.

      I adore Julia.

      Had to chuckle how she just about had to stop druel from appearing when she saw Bette. That shytt was funny. She has a hint Y Tina was wanting to “charge” whenever in Bette’s orbit.

      She’s a gr8 therapist and skillfully asked pointed questions having T & B face each other and say what they had/do feel. Bette opened up more than I thought she would. They didn’t attack one another but had to finally say some gut-wrenching truths.

      Julia’s guidance is critical in this masterpiece. Looking 4ward to the revelations and then moments when Tina will have the bulk of being vulnerable to Bette, since she is the one who must figure out how to reach Bettes’ soul again.

      • Thank you so much!!! Yes, I thought it was important to highlight how they both failed in communicating how they felt after the miscarriage. It was difficult for both of them. My heart breaks for them.

        Julia is amazing. Hopefully, she keeps them on track. And I thought it was important to get Julia’s reaction to seeing Bette for the first time. Bette is gorgeous and she doesn’t know what she does to other people. Julia got a first hand experience of that.

        Julia has some interesting tactics up her sleeve. Hopefully, they work.

        I think Bette really wants Tina back so she opened up to see if she can find the path back to her. It’s going to get a little trickier as they continue to navigate the hurt and the pain and the loss and the lack of trust.

        • I’m really intrigued at what Tibette will discover about their own personalities. What are their “love languages”???

          I think (for them) being able to speak “soul to soul” is a foundational component for re-establishing trust. We’ll see . . .

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