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    Tina had arrived at the restaurant first, she had sent the address to Bette after the brunette had written to her that she would stop by Shane’s before their date, so they would meet directly there.

    The blonde was sitting in the luxurious restaurant, dark blue velvet armchairs, light marble tables, waiters with dark blue suits and ties, the smell of money was in the air.

    Tina had found it through some colleagues at work, asking about a chic place in NY and they had suggested this luxurious little restaurant.

    The waiter had asked her what she wanted for a drink and she had ordered a rosé, hoping that Bette would also appreciate such a delicate wine.


    While the blonde was tapping with her hand on the table examining her phone she heard the waiter say Bette’s name in the distance so she looked up putting the phone in her bag.

    Bette handed her coat to the tall blond waiter, he must have been in his mid-twenties.

    Under the coat the brunette was wearing a white suit, jacket and wide pants, a matching shirt underneath with silver cufflinks and matching high heels.


    She was breathtaking.


    Bette advanced presumptuously along the tables, almost everyone turned to look at her figure, she was stratospheric, loose rebellious hair, dangling earrings in her ears, a bracelet and a thin necklace. Tina could have ended the evening right then.

    Bette smiled when she was near their table, a mischievous smile but also embarrassed, she knew she was being looked at, but she was no longer used to this since her illness had struck her.

    Tina stood up slightly, holding out her hand to take Bette’s and shake it.


    ”Hey…you’re…” Tina was swaying her body up and down, she didn’t have the words ”God, Bette…”


    ”I’ll take that as a compliment.” Bette giggled, sitting down, leaving her hand tied to Tina’s.


    ”You took me seriously, huh?”


    ”About what?”




    Bette looked at the blonde, smiling with her eyes, ”I always take you seriously, Tina.”


    Tina just smiled with her heart exploding.


    ”mh…” Tina cleared her throat ”I chose this wine, I hope you like it…but you can order more.”


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    1. Wow, that was intense. Tina did lie by omission, but I think Bette took things a little too far. They both need a little time and space to think things over. Helena and Peggy were both wrong for trying to use Tina for their own agenda. Post soon please.

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