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    A Day in the Park pt. 1

    The agent scoffs and turns to his client. ”Listen, I know for a fact we can go down the street and get a movie that will pay you exactly what you’re worth…. we have an offer for that raunchy comedy. Remember what they were offering? We can walk out of here and have a deal before lunch…”

    Tina glares at the agent. She then leans over and presses her intercom button. ”Kevin, get me Jacob Sanders’ agent on the phone, please…”

    ”Yes, ma’am…” her assistant says.

    V looks up from his phone and looks at Tina. ”What?”

    The agent closes his eyes and drops his head. ”Fuck…” he whispers.

    V looks at his agent and wags his finger. ”You told me that lil asshole wasn’t up for this…”

    ”He’s not…” The agent gently says.

    Tina raises her brows. ”The hell he isn’t….”

    V narrows his eyes at his agent. ”That motherfucker has taken two fuckin roles from me…”

    ”I know…” The agent says.

    ”I told you I didn’t wanna hear his names in rooms…”

    ”I know….”

    ”We have Jacob Sanders and his agent on the line, Ms. Kennard…” Tina’s assistant says through the intercom.

    Tina tilts her head and looks at V. ”Your move…”

    V turns and looks at Tina and angrily licks his lips. He then steps into his agent’s personal space. ”Get this fucking deal done; the second that asshole takes another role from me is the second you’re off my fucking team….” He slides his sunglasses on. ”Get it done…” V then slides his hands into his pockets and strolls toward the office door.

    Tina leans back in her chair and shrugs. ”Am I taking this call or what?” She asks the agent.

    The agent reluctantly sits down across from Tina. ”Let’s talk….”

    Tina gently smiles and presses the intercom button. ”Tell him I’ll call them back…”

    The agent shakes his head and chuckles. ”Well played…”

    Tina folds her hands on her desk. ”I know…. now on to business….”



    Later, Tina is eating lunch at her desk when her assistant sticks his head into the office.

    ”Hi, sorry to disturb you, boss, but there’s somebody at the gate who claims to be your oldest and best friend on the face of the fucking planet…. that’s a direct quote, by the way….”


    1. I love Angi’s reaction to learning that Bette is her other mother. And Bette is so happy.

      Dani’s appearance is a bit annoying to me

      I can’t wait for the next chapter, I hope it won’t be too long to come ❤️

    2. Can i just say that this is part of my life now? That not a day goes by that i don’t check for updates, eventhough i know you post on weekends. This re-write is soooooooo exciting!!

      I love that we can see a badass Tina here in her exec role. Alpha Tina is always a turn on!

      Can’t wait for the next chapter! Michelle will be so thrilled to know about Dani. HAHAHA

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