Fan Fiction
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Bandit, Cash and Colbie
“Cuz…you’re going to make me run.”
“I didn’t say anything about running, Al.”
Tina smiled showing all of her chin dimples knowing she was definitely going to make Alice run.
“It’s 6:15 in the fucking morning, Tee.”
“I waited.”
“I’m not running.”
Tina giggled again.
“And I’m bringing Dana.”
“The more the merrier.”
“I hate you.”
“You love me.”
“I do love you but I fucking hate you too.”
“See you soon. Get up, right now.”
“As a matter of fact, let me talk to Dane.”
Tina heard Alice grunt and the phone thud and tumble and Dana shouting ‘HEY’.
“Hey, Dane!”
“Tina! Hiiiiiii! Why are you calling so early?”
“I wanna go for a run but I don’t wanna go by myself.”
“And the first person you thought of was Al?”
They both laughed.
“What’s so funny?” Alice perked up.
Tina and Dana laughed again.
“Okay. We will meet you there.”
Tina squealed.
“Thanks, Dane! Get her ass up. See you in 15?”
“Make it 20. But we will be there.”
“Love you. Byee.”
“Love you. I’m so happy you’re back.”
“Me too, Dane. Me too.”
Tina looked back at the spot previously occupied by Bette. She rubbed her hand over it and bounced off the bed. Tina pulled the Yale sweatshirt over her head, brought it to her nose and inhaled. It smelled even more Bette since she decided to snuggle in bed behind her last night. Tina smiled remembering how Bette’s body felt against hers, remembering how Bette’s arms felt around her, remembering how Bette’s breath tickled her neck. Tina bit her lip, took another inhale and put on her running clothes.
Tina looked down the hall towards their bedroom. She knew last night was overwhelming for Bette…for them both. Overwhelming but calming. They needed those moments. Bette needed those breadcrumb moments to help her find her way back to Tina. Tina needed to be patient and continue to drop a trail of breadcrumbs to her heart and pray Bette followed them.
Bette was predictable when she had something weighing on her. Swimming was her therapy. Tina figured Bette had been in the pool since she got out of bed this morning.
“Out of bed with…me,” Tina whispered.
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Martha3128 says
Nice date…. just how much longer of this closeness can they do without allowing themselves the intimacy of actually being together? Time to commit! Time to put the past into the past and go forward….
Thanks for the chapter… looking forward to more.
vivian says
Wow…. That was hot!
I think Bette has tutured Tina enough. And Tina has learned her lesson. They should move forward already.
I love this story. Please keep writing. Thank you so much
Arya says
Oh, I so want this story to continue! Great storytelling and really exceptionally written dialogues!