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    Can we get it back – Chapter 5

    “Look Tina, I won’t keep you, go back to your fiancé. I need to go.” Bette says as she wants to end the call as soon as possible.

    Bette please. I don’t know what to say. But I know that I want to see you again. I want to be there for you. You are my family.” Tina tries again.

    “Tina, please respect my wish on this. I need to focus on getting well and with you there… It’s too painful.” Bette replies softly.

    I can’t promise you that Bette. If I can’t be there for you, then I’ll be there for Angie.” Tina says.

    “Fine, I have to go. Take care Tina.” Bette says as she hangs up the phone before Tina can reply.

    In Canada, Tina stays in the room for a while longer. She can’t keep her tears at bay. After a few minutes, Carrie comes back in and sees her fiancé crying.

    “Tina, babe, what’s wrong?” Carrie asks as she takes a seat beside Tina.

    “I have to go to Los Angeles.” Tina replies, drying her tears quickly.

    “What do you mean? We’re in the middle of our engagement party, we have a house full of people.” Carrie says

    “I know, and I’m sorry, but I have to go. Shit, I have to book a flight.” Tina says and walks over to her desk and opens her laptop and logs in. Quickly she finds a flight that leave that same night. She looks at her watch and sees that she has 3 hours to pack her bag and reach the airport, which is 1 hour away. So basically, she has 1 hour. She books the flight in a hurry.

    “Tina, please stop. You can’t just leave. What’s going on?” Carrie asks, getting frustrated.

    “That was Bette on the phone. She told me that she’s in the hospital. She has a tumor in her head, and they are operating tomorrow at noon. I need to be there.” Tina says as she looks into Carries eyes. “Angie is scared and alone. I need to be there, for Angie and for Bette.” Tina adds.

    “She’s not your wife anymore. I understand that you need to be there for Angie, but…” Carrie starts, but stops when she sees the look from Tina.

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    1. I just knew Tina would jump on the first plain back to her family.

      I can’t believe Carrie didn’t understood Tina had to go to be with Angie.

      And Tina, do you really not know who you love more???!!! Bye bye Carrie ???? Wouldn’t surprise me if she goes to LA too but her lack of understanding of this family urgency set her a douzen points behind. So again, Bye bye to never see again ????????????

      Thank you for this chapter!

    2. Yeah – Tina. The calvary is on the way. Tina needs to be with Angie for sure and needs to be near with such a dire operation in the event a decision is necessary. And if a decision is needed, then she would need to be with Angie even more so.

      It is obvious that Carrie does not understand Tina’s relationship with Angie. She certainly does not understand that she loves Bette or she would not have asked. Unfortunately, I don’t think Tina understands how much she loves Bette. Why does it seem to me that Tina has just been rationalizing her actions with whatever historical traits that Bette had or by her own responses to those traits. From her own thoughts, it would appear that she was not in love with Carrie, but the idea of Carrie – the easy living, the non-challenging behavior, the almost Pollyannaish view of living. Is that who Carrie really is? Does Tina really know? It really seems that Carrie is really a Henry Young repeat. And this break up is probably grounded in the behavior which drove her to seek the safety and comfort of having a man – or someone she could dominate into complete subservience. But as with Henry, Carrie will bore her at some point. She will miss the dynamics which she and Bette have. She will miss the challenge that Bette brings to a relationship to hold her own and to wrestle for control. Yes, that kind of relationship can be exhausting, but the rewards are so much greater than the cost, particularly if the two are well suited for it. Tina and Bette are well suited for each other provided they both remain engaged. They lose their connectivity when one or both fail to engage and communicate and really try to see the world through the other’s eyes. Tina has always been the one to leave the relationship. Perhaps she has had good cause, but she has always had a choice. Either stay and work to resolution or leave. And in her history, she has been reluctant to even have a conversation with Bette about what happened what it would take to make things right. It was only the second reconciliation after the Jodi affair that they made progress in facing their past problems and admitting their own culpability and accepting responsibility for their own behavior. They also put into place certain requirement of openness and communication emphasising the expectation of Bette. But what if it were Tina who failed to be open and communicative? Would that lead to her leaving to find herself, to escape the clastophic presence of Bette, to believe that Bette’s priorities where always top priority? Would that cause Tina to avoid Bette to the point where she may have seen her once or twice per year? Would it cause Tina to avoid Kit’s funeral because she may have to face Bette and give a full accounting of what happened in the break-up and why?

      This is a terrific story….I have had to wash a load of crying towels as I have read it all so far. I feel the shook, sadness, the dread and the fear of Bette, Angie, Shane, Alice and now Tina. There is so much unknown for Bette and such huge ramifications even if everything goes well. There will be a period of recovery and disability and continued treatment which will be no picnic for Bette. And for her friends and her family, they have to bare their own grief and yet be strong and supportive for Bette and for Angie. And in the meantime in the background there is the love story of Bette and Tina. Will they get back together? Can they get back together?

      I don’t know about other readers, but Bette and Tina are members of my family. And yes, I realize they are fictional characters. But for me because of this website, their lives and character extend beyond TLW and Gen Q. They extend beyond the characterizations of Jennifer Beals and Laurel Holloman. Although they gave Bette and Tina a visual representation and a base character, I feel that Bette and Tina are so much more, as they live somewhere in the ether just beyond where I can reach. That is the beauty of storytelling. We can make them whoever we want them to be, yet we can agree for the most part if we recognize them as the Bette and Tina we all know and love. For me, Bette could not be Bette without Tina. And Tina cannot be Tina without Bette. And neither would be who they are without Angie, Kit, Shane, Alice, Dana, Helena, Peggy and so many others. So let’s keep writing; let’s tell their stories; lets make sense out of chaos. My sincere gratitude to all the writers and readers on this website. For the most part, it bring fantastic entertainment, inspires the imagination and gives us insight into the humanity which exist around us through the world of creativity.

      Take care in this time of world wide disaster. Remember, staying home saves lives!! And the life you save may very well be your own. So until health officials say that normal life can resume, conform to their suggestions as best you can. This will not last forever, but it may last longer than we would like. We could always use a story….

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