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    Can we get it back – Chapter 1

    Chapter 1

    Story starts a couple of months after Tina has told Bette that she is going to marry Carrie.

    She has gone back to Canada and work. Wedding has been scheduled for next spring, 1 year away.

    Bette is having a difficult time getting her head around that her soulmate seems to be lost forever.

    She’s heartbroken. Angie is also a little heartbroken, she wanted her parents back together, she sees the connection they still have and is convinced that the love is not gone. And she sees that her mama B is sad. She has seen for some time now that something is different with her mama B. She seems a little more distant and on edge. She wants to find out but is a little scared also, to talk.

    «Mama B? » Angie carefully say walking into the living room and sees Mama B sitting on the couch reading a magazine one evening.

    «Hey Angie, what’s up? » Bette replies and looks up and smiles to her daughter. She sees that Angie seems almost nervous. «Hey, is something wrong sweetie? » she adds.

    «No, nothing is wrong, but…» she starts but stops herself.

    Bette closes the magazine and sits up straight and lovingly strokes Angie’s arm.

    «Sweetie, what’s going on? » She lovingly asks again.

    Angie is looking down on her hands nervously, Bette sees a tear rolling down her cheek.

    «Please sweetie, you can talk to me, please tell me what is going on, I don’t want you to bottle it up» Bette carefully adds.

    Angie looks up and to mama B, biting her lip. «just like her mama T» Bette thinks as she sees Angie doing the same thing as Tina always does when she gets nervous.

    «I’m scared» she starts.

    «Scared about what? » Bette asks, still stroking Angie’s arm to comfort her.

    «I am scared for you…» she starts but stops.

    «Scared for me? » Bette carefully asks.

    «Yeah. » Angie silently says and looks down almost embarrassed.

    «Can I ask why? » Bette says, still stroking Angie’s arm.

    «I…  I… sense that something is going on with you…  but…» Angie starts, but stops herself, unsure of how to continue.

    «What do you mean? » Bette asks, while starting to think back on how she’s been the last weeks, months. Or has she overheard me. She suddenly gets scared.

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    1. This is the first story I have read of yours. This is an excellent beginning – You’ve got a good hook to pull your audience in. Great descriptions and excellent dialogue. Look forward to the next chapter and I will read some of your previous publication.

      Thank you for putting this out….

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