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    Chapter 3 – Lets Make a Deal

    Tina laughed:  Bette, they are not getting their jollies by what they are doing. Besides, they do everything possible not to stimulate your libido and get through the process a quickly as possible. Usually, they are in and out and done before I realize it.

    Bette:  Are we going to have to do a mammography? I hate that machine. It’s cold and it mashes the stew out my boobs.

    Tina:  Yes dear.  Just remember, if Dana had gone and got one earlier, she may be still be alive today.  I know she died from the side effects of her treatment. But if her cancer had been discovered earlier, maybe she could have had a treatment which did not destroy her immune system. So, you and I are getting an exam. I want you around for a long time.

    Bette:  Even if I don’t have boobs?

    Tina:  Absolutely.  I love you Bette, with or without boobs. If it means you are with me every night forever, I would not give a shit whether you had boobs or not. I enjoy your boobs. But they are not a necessity. I would love you anyway. And I would make love to you anyway.  And don’t you ever think otherwise.

    Bette looked at Tina with tears in her eyes:  Thank you Tina.  I would as well. I love you too much to allow something like that to come between us.

    Tina:  Just don’t go blind on me.  Then you might become a social embarrassment!

    Bette:  Oh, so you think I’d be running around feeling people’s boobs, still?

    Tina: Of course, you would!

    They were laughing to the point their sides ached.  Bette went to the ladies’ room and Tina called the kids.  She really enjoyed this lunch with Bette. Not often they laughed this hard. Laughter from the other warmed their hearts. Tina then paid the bill and checked her GPS to see where they were headed next.

    Bette:  I got the call from Betty. They say everything is all set. We can pick up our vehicles and paperwork any time.  I told her we would call when we were on our way. So, are you ready to go do this again?

    Tina:  Yes.  The next dealership is about a 20-minute drive.


    1. Collins,
      Isn’t that the way life is? Lots of things going on which requires multi-tasking? My Bette and Tina are on the same page… they have been working at it for more than 20 years. They know what irritates and what soothes the other. They know they have responsibilities for their children. And most of all, they love their choices they have made in life – each other as partners, their professions, and their role as parents. This is a summer of change for these two. New professions, new home and a some what different family structure. The transition from their New York life to a life in California is full and getting Angie ready for Yale is thrown into the mix. Time is limited and what needs to be accomplished is much. And these two women will get it done…

      Thank you for reading.

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