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    Lenox Hill Hospital

    ”let’s just say it could have gone better…” Tina smiled


    ”she’s with the nanny, I’m so happy to have found Monica, she’s so wonderful… anyway the vast nursery is really the best down here so she’ll be with us all year.”

    ”dear, my mother has known Monica for years, she’s the best…she’ll take care of everything here…now let’s go, Alice and Shane are waiting for us at the bar, we’ll celebrate your hiring.”

    ”To Tina!” the women shouted, raising the tequila shots and throwing them down their throats in the blink of an eye.

    Alice was an amazing neofetal surgeon, no one would have told her that her hands could be so delicate sometimes.
    She made an immediate good impression on Tina, she was a volcano in full flow, so sunny and full of questions, within an hour she knew everything about Tina by now, her daughter and her ex-girlfriend.
    She was in love with Dana, a shy head nurse who Tina would get to know well in the department in the following week.

    Shane was an operating room assistant, she was the one among them who worked the most crazy shifts given the unexpected events in the operating rooms and the lack of sufficient staff. Shane was strange according to Tina, nice but more introverted than Alice, less chaotic and quieter, with her androgynous figure Tina noticed that she could strike every woman in that place, her eyes blue like the sea and her messy hair like a Rock singer.

    ”so Tina you have a little girl? can we see her?” Alice asked excitedly.

    ”sure…” Tina reached into her bag to grab her iphone, scrolled through the gallery and a sweet little face with curls appeared on the screen. Angelica was the picture of beauty, chocolate skin, thick black curls, the opposite of Tina in short.

    Tina smiled with all her heart at the sight of her friends who had bright eyes for her beautiful daughter.

    ”you chose a black donor huh?” Shane asked ”that’s really cool Tina, I’m glad there are people like you…”

    ”yeah I loved that it was the opposite of me, I knew the donor story and so, it hit me. I could already see Angie in my mind with those curls”.


    1. Thanks for the chapter.

      I am confused as to why Tina decided to leave Toronto. She broke up with Arizona or Her company did not like the fact that she had a child, or because Helena wanted her to work at a really great hospital.?

      Is it normal for medical personal to have several drinks and then go to work at their normal shift? A Neonatal surgeon?

      I agree with Tina. There is no reason for a Neurosurgeon to be consulted on Bette’s case which is cardiac problems. The person who should be consulted is Bette. What are her expectations for her own medical care.

      Hopefully, some of these questions will be answered in future chapters.

      • Hi, about Tina and the fact that she left Toronto you will find out soon.

        For Alice and her drinking at the bar I mentioned that they were toasting, but I didn’t really focus on what Alice was drinking, maybe a Coke?

        For the consultation, now it will become more of a relationship between Bette and Tina so yes, Tina from now on will be interested in Bette under the guise of being a doctor, but in reality it is much more than work for her.

    2. ” ”To Tina!” the women shouted, raising the tequila shots and throwing them down their throats in the blink of an eye.”

      You mention tequila and shots several places and specifically in reference to Alice. Then Alice leaves to go work. Not someone I would want on my medical team. She definitely was drinking and then going off to perform medical care.

      And what exactly is “Helena Rise”?

      Thanks for your response….


    3. Welcome Nicoletta!
      I’m liking this story already, so just a bit of chatter. First, you’ll find us readers to be faithful w/a voracious appetite for a creative Tibette saga!!

      Be warned we are suckers for cliffhangers and will feign displeasure with “more frequent & longer chapters. HeHeHe!!! Just pay us NO mind, and post whenya can.

      Gotta Go . . . see ‘ve already posted chapt 2!!!

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