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    The Talks

    “Which…umm…which…umm…left Bette stranded…cuz…here’s the funny part…cuz there’s a Balloon Festival happening in Vancouver right now…and umm…all the rooms are booked for miles,” Alice continued laughing.

    “And here’s the kicker, woooo…so, Bette’s only choice was to stay with Tina and that’s where she is now. With Tina. Cuz that’s what we all want, right…for them to get back together. So, if you really think about it, I should be given a medal or at least rewarded with a slice of pie.”

    Alice stopped talking and took a long sip of her water while looking at each person look at her across the table.

    “Are you fucking kidding me right now, Alice?” Kit reprimanded.

    “And James, I can’t believe you were part of this,” Kit looked at him.

    “Wha…wait, did you not hear the part where she said she blackmailed me? I didn’t have a choice, Kit.”

    “You did have a choice. Instead of owning up to whatever she has over you, you took the easy way out.”

    James cut his eyes at Alice and slouched down in his chair.

    “And you two don’t seem too surprised. I suppose you knew about this too,” Kit said looking at Dana and Shane.

    “Yes, we did,” Dana said quickly.

    Shane looked at Dana. Dana shrugged.

    “We thought Bette needed a little push is all but we had no idea it was going to happen like this. I swear, Kit,” Shane said in her Shane way.

    “I am ashamed of all of you. Who else knows about this besides KiKi?” Kit asked Alice.

    “Liz. Tina’s assistant.”

    “Wow. So James and this Liz could be potentially fired if this goes badly. Let me tell you, Bette is not in a good space. She called me earlier and she’s freaking out. I’m glad I didn’t know you all were behind this before.”

    “I talked to Tina last night and she’s freaking out too,” Alice admitted.

    Everyone was quiet for several heartbeats until Dana finally spoke up.

    “What should we do?”

    “Pray. It’s already in motion. We can’t tell them now cuz it will blow up in all of y’all’s faces and they may never get back together. Keep your fingers crossed and pray. Oh and don’t do anything else to “help” them.” Kit used air quotes as she said the word help.


    1. I absolutely love this chapter. And the beginning is hysterical. I laughed out loud at the middle finger emojis. Poor James. I wanted to mention how much I like your writing style. You have a lot of talent. Alice trying to dig her way out is a case in point. And Kit’s lectures: “Pray. It’s already in motion. We can’t tell them now cuz it will blow up in all of y’all’s faces and they may never get back together. Keep your fingers crossed and pray. Oh and don’t do anything else to “help” them.” Kit used air quotes as she said the word help.” So well written. And of course the conversation between Bette and Tina via food. Very sensual. This is such a good story. So happy Bette left her door open.

      • Poor James is right. LOL! I adore how protective he is of Bette and I really like the brother/sister vibe he has with Alice.

        Thank you so much. This has been fun to write. I haven’t written anything this long ever. So it really is testing my writing abilities. That’s why some chapters take longer than others. It took me forever to get the part right last chapter about the flashback of why Bette wanted to break-up with Tina but I absolutely love how it turned out.

        Kit is the mother figure of the group. I’m glad she reprimanded them and I’m glad she gave them pie afterwards. LOL!

        Let’s see what happens with these doors.

    2. Very nice chapter…. so proud that Tina remained patient during the talks. They are progressing… it seems slow, but the fact that they could sit and be civil and enjoy a meal and do some talking is indeed progress. I had not realized that it had already been 5 months since Tina left for Vancouver. I am glad that Tina told Bette about her “offer” and request that she base in Vancouver. And I also like that she told Bill a definitive “no” – not going to happen. This should mean something to Bette when she thinks about it. Vancouver evidently was never going to be a permenant place for Tina to live. Too bad Tina left like she did. If she had taken the time to have a reasonable conversation about why she was going, they might not have the problems they are having at them moment. But what’s done is done. Tina is too impetuous for her own good. She needs to think things through and consider the ramifications of her major moves in her life. The fact that she does not trust Bette is a factor they need to work on as well. Bette has reason not to trust Tina. But Tina’s accusation of Bette cheating without some further evidence than catching her and Candace kissing and not getting an explanation and then leave town without notice for as long as a year? That is huge. But the fact that Tina has turned down a plum position in Vancouver should be a step in the direction of getting Bette back.

      This is really a rather nice story….. actually I love Kiki Smith. We should all have a Kiki Smith in our lives.

      Cannot wait to see how the rest of the week goes….

      • Me too. Tina is really trying. I think the inner dialogue helps too. That trust issue is tricky. They have a lot more talking to do especially about the miscarriage. And that is going to so emotional. Gives me chills just thinking about it.

        I’m glad you’re enjoying the story. Thank you so much for reading. And yes, KiKi is a hoot. She has more planned. Hopefully it doesn’t backfire.

    3. Again, your writing is amazing. I love these characters and how much you flesh them out. Your writing skills really provide a bigger/better sense of who these women are and how they relate (& related in the past).

      Thank you, I love the stories you create about my favorite couple!

    4. I love your story!

      Brilliant writing style, you have a real gift and i am happy you share that with us!

      The first page was so funny!

      The talk, Tina doing her best to give Bette the time and space but inwardly had to hold in, something she had a lot of trouble to do but she did it! Loved how Tina did the simple things she always did like putting the plate with small foods for Bette and for Bette remembering with fondness about it and a little more

      It’s a beginning and for Bette to shout out her wants but not being sure or love or hurt will win, it was honest to Tina.

      The last part gave me hope, the door is open to each other but Tina has to be patient and Bette be open about her feelings of hurt.

      “Tina turned and walked away down the hall. Bette watched her disappear into the room, leaving the door open. In the past when they were upset with each other and on the rare occasions slept in different bedrooms, they always left the door open. Bette explained to Tina one time after they’d made up that although they might be upset with each other, she hoped they’d never be closed off from each other and that was why she left the door open.

      Bette kept looking at the open door for a while before going to the extra room. Bette kept that door open too.”

      Look forward to read the next chapter!

    5. They’re doing a fine job of accepting the joyful, soulful friendship and sexual memories while admitting that the soul-hurt that Tina brought to their “lovers world” is still an over-powering memory.

      But! The door is OPEN for both of them. The foundation is being rebuilt . . . Slowly

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