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    ”More than I imagined…I didn’t think you could love someone like that, someone you…have known for such a short time, who strikes you with her world and her beauty.”

    Peggy sighed happily, like an old lever, a little melancholic ”I remember that feeling…and I haven’t seen Bette’s eyes like that since the first months she was dating Calliope. Anyway…I don’t want to hold you back…”

    ”thank you…”


    Two hours later Tina found herself running down the steps two at a time, without stumbling like a great runner, she would have won an Olympic medal right now. Her breath was short, she had to hurry.
    When she reached the first floor in the operating rooms she found Peggy standing with her back to her and Helena in front of her, De Luca had called her without giving too much information.
    Helena met the gaze of the blonde who still hadn’t stopped running, a few meters separated them, Peggy didn’t turn around and Tina saw Helena’s tired face, still wearing the surgical cap.

    Tina tried to speak but no sound came out, Helena slightly passed her mother, a slow motion scene that Tina had dreamed of the previous nights, this didn’t bode well.

    Helena’s hands reached out towards Tina, blocking her figure before they bumped into each other, the brunette’s hands now on Tina’s shoulders, her blue eyes fixed.

    ”I don’t know what happened, everything was so perfect and then…”

    ”Don’t say it..” Tina’s eyes filled with tears and Helena stopped her.

    ”She’s alive…” She said quickly to reassure Tina who stepped back, in a trance-like scene, a moment in which her legs gave out ”the operation was a success.”

    Tina looked at her, a silence of helplessness took her, it all seemed surreal, it wasn’t true, but she knew that there was something wrong, from her friend’s face, she could see it.
    And Helena understood that now that the reassurances had arrived she had to tell the truth.

    ”She was under arrest for fifteen minutes..I don’t know how, we don’t know why..everything was ok.” Tina stared at her motionless ”the parameters are stable now, she’s stable, but we don’t know what compromised the fact that she was that time without being alive.”

    Tina nodded ”we’ll just wait.” she whispered, it was the procedure, she knew it well, the brain, her brain, Tina’s element, of neurosurgery was cursed in this scenario.
    When the heart stopped beating, when one remained too long without good oxygenation, the brain was touched and Tina had declared many deaths for the brain, more deaths for the brain than for the heart.
    The heart can be tried to restart, like a pc, a software, but the brain..not that.
    Tina knew children, healthy according to science but without brain vitality, therefore dead, many cases had passed before her, she saw about ten every day.


    1. OMG,so much emotion in one chapter…
      I was scared for Bette, I thought everything will go smoothly. I never thought she would go through a second surgery. But am glad she is out of harms way now. Thank you for posting. Am anxiously waiting for another wonderful chapter.

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