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    The brain was her worst friend but also her worst enemy.

    ”it’s your field…” Peggy whispered.

    ”we’ll call Amelia, or whoever is better” Helena said quickly ”it won’t be Tina.”

    Pegcy looked at her daughter ”of course, it wasn’t my intention…but” she placed a gentle hand on her daughter’s shoulder ”you and Jackson did a good job…it’s not your fault…”

    ”can I see her?” Tina came out of her almost comatose state.

    ”sure, Jackson and De Luca are taking her to cardiac surgery intensive care.. You’ll find her there.”

    ”I need a favor.” Tina quickly typed on her phone and sent it to Sheaperd as she stepped into the elevator.

    Bette had climbed the first step, now she had to go up the rest of the stairs.


    Tina stared at her, for about ten minutes while she remained just inside the room, Bett was lying down, not like the thousand times she had gone to visit her, she was completely lying down, her head slightly raised, full of cables and tubes attached all over her body, the light blue gown, Tina hated it, it gave her a sense of death. Bette’s hair always perfect and soft or at least it seemed that way to Tina from far away, she didn’t have much courage to get closer for the first few moments, but then she slipped into the room, the desire to touch Bette was stronger.
    The brunette’s lips were chapped, the respirator had ruined those perfect lips and this hurt Tina not to mention the cut of about twenty centimeters that she would surely have under her breast, even if she knew that it would be well hidden and shrunk just like her c-section.
    Tina’s hand slipped on Bette’s, the IV tape was in her way, but that was okay, for now Bette was still there. It would have been easy for Tina to take her light from her pocket, open Bette’s eye and see if there was an already small but significant truth of a cerebral sign, but she didn’t want to do it.
    She couldn’t be a doctor in this circumstance.

    ”Stay with me please…” Tina whispered softly wiping away some tears, now that she had found Bette how could she leave her.

    The door opened after a light knock, Amelia entered ”sorry, I had the patient with Parkinson’s…”


    1. OMG,so much emotion in one chapter…
      I was scared for Bette, I thought everything will go smoothly. I never thought she would go through a second surgery. But am glad she is out of harms way now. Thank you for posting. Am anxiously waiting for another wonderful chapter.

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