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    The month that followed the operation had been really intense, Tina had tried her best to keep up with Bette, between her shifts, Angelica who had started nursery school, Bette who was starting rehabilitation, it hadn’t really been easy.

    Very often Bette, even if she didn’t want to show it, was exhausted, in the beginning her brain had really taken a long time to recover, Tina knew that Amelia’s surgery hadn’t been too invasive, on the contrary, practical and fast, but Bette struggled with her headaches to keep her concentration high.

    Her bad moods had been the order of the day even if she tried to keep them under control, but with Tina she had let herself go to curses of all kinds except for the moments of despair. Tina had never seen her falter and this scared her a little.


    What they both had missed was the fact of being alone, before the operation they had had many moments for themselves, but after it had been chaos. Bette was busy with therapy, when Tina came to her room before she was always there, now she was always out and about.

    The nurses took Bette to physical therapy at nine in the morning and if Tina came in later she almost never saw her.


    On the other hand, Bette was making progress, she was walking quickly, she controlled her movements and everything was as the doctors expected, her heart had almost completely regained its function, according to Jackson with another fifteen days of treatments Bette’s tests would be perfect like any other healthy person.

    Of course she would have periodic checks more than any other person, but for science Bette was now almost healthy.

    Which meant that she would not be far away, she would return to her life and her work, but this was a chapter that Bette really didn’t like.

    When Tina had tried to talk about her work, she had diverted the subject.

    Bette knew that everyone was expecting a big and quick comeback, but deep down she didn’t think so, and she didn’t even know if it would ever happen.

    Right now Bette felt like a complete mess with no concessions.


    After the confession of their feelings, there were still moments of sweetness, even if Bette reassured Tina to spend a lot of time with Angelica or the child would suffer and Tina had never managed to spend a night with Bette, Monica had left to go and visit her parents and relatives before Christmas and Angelica was only in the hands of Tina and Helena or Shane when they could help her.

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    1. Thanks for the update. So, Bette has said her final farewell to Calli. Has Tina told Karina that she is off the market? Perhaps. And Bette’s first night home is not what Tina had hoped for. So, Bette shows up at Tina’s apartment? What a nice surprise!

      Thanks for the update…

    2. Aww… Don’t leave us like that..
      Ok so it’s good that Bette is finally home and now has her whole life ahead of her. I can’t wait to read how her relationship with Tina will process outside the hospital. Thank you ones again for this wonderful chapter.

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