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    Peggy closed her eyes ”thank you Tina for your honesty.” the woman smiled ”about Bette… I know you stop by her almost every day”


    Tina’s face lit up without thinking ”yes… she really is smart”


    ”She is. But she also needs the people around her so much… and if she takes a liking to you it’s so nice my dear..” Peggy stood up ”I know you’ll be a help to her. Now I’m going back to my boring job”


    Tina laughed amusedly watching Peggy walk away towards the elevators yelling here and there with some of the staff.

    Before her lunch break, Tina stopped by the nursery to see Angelica, she had some time and loved to go visit her and play some games with her. Angelica loved being with Tina, she only had her.

    Tina’s parents had both died and she had immediately found herself alone apart from her sister who lived on the other side of the world.

    Tina always noticed something new in her daughter, her hair longer, some small mole on her body, her teeth growing, her words increasing. Angelica was growing up fast and Tina always had the impression that she didn’t have enough time and that she had never given Angelica the close-knit family she deserved, Tina didn’t condemn her choice to become a single mother obviously, but what if Angelica had suffered? Tina didn’t know this yet because her daughter didn’t know anything about all this yet, she only knew that Angie was her sunshine.


    As she walked back to her department and pressed the elevator button, a shout came from behind her, someone shouting her name.

    Tina turned in time to recognize her, Callie.


    ”So you told Peggy that I’m incompetent? That I made a mistake, right?” Callie was furious, Tina saw it in her eyes, they were lively, mean, attentive to the blonde who stepped back slightly without showing fear, only discomfort for the people who were starting to stop around them hearing the brunette’s screams.


    Tina pressed the elevator button ”I don’t think we should make a show of it” she said softly but Callie stood in the middle of the door ”no my dear, now you’re talking to me. You said bad things about me to Peggy, right? Do you think you’re so powerful after working here for so little time?”


    1. Bette has been in the hospital for 2 years. I would assume that she and Callie broke up before she was admitted as a patient. Callie was seeing Mark before she broke up with Bette, so I would think that pregnancy would be inevitable. Bette’s situation seems hopeless at this point. It appears that her only hope is a transplant. She is unhappy about her physical condition and her future prospects. That does not lend itself to improving her health. And Callie’s announced pregnancy does not make Bette’s life easier. Tina is trying to be her friend, but Bette’s attitude does not make it easy. Life for Bette is spiraling from bad to worse. In Bette’s words, she needs a miracle.

      Thanks for the update.

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