Fan Fiction
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The brunette turned to Tina who wasn’t ready to leave so Helena walked past her giving her a sweet look, a silent cry for help that Tina caught, but she didn’t know what she could really do.
Tina bit her lip as she stood there with her arms crossed examining Bette, the door closed and they were alone in the room, she and Bette seemed so close until last week and now, here they were.
Tina stood away from Bette’s bed, clearing her throat to get attention even though the brunette knew she wasn’t alone.
”I think you have to do this…”
Bette continued to stare out, shaking her head slowly.
”You have nothing to do with this…”
”Why are you acting like this?”
”We’re trying to save your life…”
”And I don’t want anyone to save me.” Bette met the blonde’s gaze, her eyes filled with unexpressed tears, Bette could see it and it hurt, really hurt for the first time.
Tina bit the inside of her cheek, it was so hard, it was all coming out.
”Don’t you care about life Bette? Is there anything you really care about?” Tina was crying now, tears were falling without her realizing it, she couldn’t pretend anymore ”fuck if there’s a single thing you care about because I can’t recognize you…”
Bette felt like dying ”you don’t know me in fact Tina…” she whispered, her eyes also full of pain ”you didn’t see me before this bed… I was strong, beautiful, seductive, sexy, an intelligent and desirable woman and now…”
”You still are Bette…” Tina absentmindedly wiped away a tear ”I….I see you like this, as you describe yourself…”
”You can’t imagine Tina…” Bette said smiling bitterly ”I have nothing left of who I was, nothing…I have nothing left to fight for…” Bette said it in a strangled tone.
”but you have to do it…” Tina said dramatically approaching the bed ”if you don’t care about yourself Bette…please…” Tina almost screamed ”do it for me, can you do it? do it for me Bette, damn it!” Tina slammed her hand on the bed rail, Bette jumped slightly, she felt empty, she felt bad seeing the blonde like that, it was all true, it was all true…Tina was there for her.
Bette didn’t take her eyes off the blonde, more tears were streaming down her face, she tried to speak but nothing for the first time she didn’t have many words but she thought better of it.
”Do it for you..” Bette repeated more to herself than to Tina but the blonde heard her.
”yes…do it for me, if you feel a little bit of good…do it for me, please…” It was a really big plea.
Bette arched her eyebrows, a clear sign of pain ”why do you care? Why are you doing this Tina..?”
”How can you not understand Bette….”
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So Bette does not want the surgery. There is no motivation to take the risk in her eyes.
When you are dealing with someone who has a terminal condition is difficult. And when you are dealing with someone who is in a state of decline and been on this path for two years and basically restricted to a hospital for that amount of time, and has no significant other or family, then depression and the lack of will to follow medical advice becomes a reality. And if there is any kind of stubbornness, it becomes a mountain to overcome. The fear of dying becomes brings death at a faster rate. Maybe Tina can convince Bette to have the surgery for her. However, Bette viewing Tina as just having pity for her rather than true attachment may be another barrier to overcome.
They say doctors make the worst patients. I think that Bette Porter would hold all the records as far as being a bad patient. It is nice that Tina has become her friend…
Thanks for the chapter.
I started this story yesterday and it has captivated me, been a while I read good stories like yours. Thank you for this story,You are a fantastic writer. Please keep it coming. Thank you ones again