Fan Fiction
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She had already suffered too much and the idea of risking her life for nothing appealing made her strangely more confident. You’re a coward, she thought to herself. But that was okay.
Tina had been nervous and awake for most of the night, not understanding Bette destroyed her, not having a way to be close to her, wore her out. If it had been up to Tina she would have confessed her feelings to her even at the cost of being burned, now she was more and more certain that Bette didn’t care about her at all, that she had probably been wrong, had misunderstood the looks, the words, the kind but passionate eyes.
The next day she had decided to leave her alone, it was her day off and Angie had asked to see Bette as usual, but Tina had made up an excuse for her daughter. Maybe Tina had been too intrusive with Bette even with Angelica present, she didn’t know for sure because Bette adored Angie, but the doubts were now thick.
She took the day for herself, tidied up the house, played with little Angelica, watched a movie with her and took an online yoga class, it did her good.
As she was getting ready for bed she checked her emails on her computer and her phone, Helena had sent her a message, tomorrow they would meet at Bette’s to decide about the surgery, she had to be there, that was Helena’s will.
Maybe not Bette’s will, Tina thought. But that was okay. She would be there.
”So we’ll go in here, it’ll be a long rehab, but the scar won’t be big I promise, much less than a transplant…we’ll put a clamp here and then…”
Jackson Avery was strutting like never before, Bette had thought he was boring from the first moment they met in fact she had looked away or rather her mind almost immediately. Peggy was also not paying much attention sitting on the chair next to her, in reality only Helena, two interns and Alice were paying attention to the whole thing. Helena tried to look at Bette every now and then, smiling, tempting her into something that would make medicine in that place even better, but Bette didn’t believe it.
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So Bette does not want the surgery. There is no motivation to take the risk in her eyes.
When you are dealing with someone who has a terminal condition is difficult. And when you are dealing with someone who is in a state of decline and been on this path for two years and basically restricted to a hospital for that amount of time, and has no significant other or family, then depression and the lack of will to follow medical advice becomes a reality. And if there is any kind of stubbornness, it becomes a mountain to overcome. The fear of dying becomes brings death at a faster rate. Maybe Tina can convince Bette to have the surgery for her. However, Bette viewing Tina as just having pity for her rather than true attachment may be another barrier to overcome.
They say doctors make the worst patients. I think that Bette Porter would hold all the records as far as being a bad patient. It is nice that Tina has become her friend…
Thanks for the chapter.
I started this story yesterday and it has captivated me, been a while I read good stories like yours. Thank you for this story,You are a fantastic writer. Please keep it coming. Thank you ones again