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    Slow Simmer

    Bette was heading upstairs after heating her glass of whiskey. It was her last attempt to soothe her aching body, to hopefully numb the wretchedness she felt before she could even think to sleep. Scrubbing her face and ripping out her contacts did not erase the events of the evening. The truth was still staring back at her in the mirror. Even her satin pjs couldn’t comfort her edges that seemed sharper after that dinner.

    That dinner. That dinner she foolishly looked forward to all day after holding Tina’s hand for just a brief moment. How Tina’s soft fingers, entwining perfectly into her own, scratched at Bette’s glass closet, allowing emotions decisively packed away to creep in from the past. Bette spent the afternoon in a blissful daze, smiling as she strolled around the market, sighing contently when she found Tina’s favorite wine, humming when she lit the candles on the elegantly set table. That dinner that she pulled out the tagine, and made the most time consuming, care-taking dish she could think of to make just for Tina. That dinner where she sat next to her ex-wife and listened to her own heart implode when Tina’s words spiked a dagger through her chest. When Tina said the words “marry” and “I said yes” Bette could only hear a crushing thunder with a static bolt that sent anguishing pain throughout her body. Tina’s voice became a mere drone, floating away into some alternate universe. It couldn’t be real. Tina, the love of her life, could not be sitting next to her telling her she was going to become someone else’s wife.

    Just thinking about it made Bette’s chest thud again. She involuntarily whimpered as she took a sip of the warm liquor. There was a knock at the door as she passed it. Thinking Angie decided to come home from Jordi’s, she opened it without looking.

    “Hey,” Tina said.

    Bette took a step back and stared at Tina standing on her doorstep. Again.

    “Can I come in?”

    “Did you forget something?” Bette gestured for her to come in, shutting the door behind her. Tina was still dressed as she was for dinner. The blue silk blouse that turned her hazel eyes a deeper shade of green and her black leather pants that sent Bette into a tizzy. Bette clutched the glass a little tighter when Tina brushed by her.

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    1. This is a good story…. however, I think that Tina is a royal bitch. Sorry… what was the purpose of that? Sex for old time sakes? Seduce Bette? Then walk out the door to go meet with Carrie and carry on with the marriage plans? I find this Tina to be rather sadistic at best. She is being cruel and heartless to have announced her marriage, seduce Bette and leave her with a “I’ll always love you.”

      Oh, and it is not Bette’s role in life to determine whether Tina is happy or not. It is a presumption that all people make the choices in their life for their own benefit and happiness. If Tina has agreed to marry Carrie, its because she wants to marry Carrie and believes it will result in happiness in her life. If that is not Tina’s belief then she is the one who needs to make another decision and take the actions that will make her happy. Tina is a grown woman – she choose to leave Bette, She agreed to marry Carrie and now she is using Bette apparently for her own physical pleasure for whatever reason. This is cruel for all those involved…. not good Tina…. Not good at all.

      Thanks for the chapter…

      • I’m glad it wasn’t just me who felt the same way at the end of this story. My heart fell with sadness for Bette at being used by Tina.
        After that i wouldn’t want to fight for Tine after that cruelty.

      • Loved this story. But I think I had a different interpretation than others. I don’t think Tina was being cruel. I think she’s acting like the lost little bird she always is when she’s not ‘with’ Bette. She knows she loves Bette, she tells Bette she loves her but now she’s made everything worse, panics, and runs. I still hope you continue it

    2. Loved this story. But I think I had a different interpretation than others. I don’t think Tina was being cruel. I think she’s acting like the lost little bird she always is when she’s not ‘with’ Bette. She knows she loves Bette, she tells Bette she loves her but now she’s made everything worse, panics, and runs. I still hope you continue it

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