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    ”I hoped I had made you understand something about me…” Tina whispered ”but obviously I was wrong…” Tina had never taken her eyes off the brunette


    ”let’s go Tina…” Bette laughed nervously as she now turned to face her ”what do you want me to understand? what do you want me to believe? that you really care about me enough to not feel compassion? because you can stop pretending…”


    ”you’re unfair…”


    ”life has been unfair to me…”


    ”it’s not my fault Bette…you can’t blame me!”


    ”I’m not asking you…listen we were talking about your dates ok? and we’re degenerating I don’t even know why we’re taking it so much!”


    ”dates that I haven’t had anyway Bette…and even if I had I don’t know why I keep taking care of you and you don’t see it.”


    Bette turned around, she had to let her go, it was time or it wouldn’t end there, Tina deserved better, maybe she was falling for Bette, but she shouldn’t have, she couldn’t.


    ”Everyone…” Bette enunciated those words carefully ”you all take care of me and I accept it and I am grateful…but only I know how Tina truly feels…and I have no intention of sharing it”


    Tina examined her for a second, who was she? Was this the Bette she had known? Tina could no longer recognize her and yet she had held her close, slept with her, stroked her hair. Tina felt faint, she had to leave and so she did, without saying goodbye, without adding anything else she turned and left the room slamming the door attracting the attention of the doctors who were at the desk outside in the corridors.


    Bette closed her eyes, a tear slowly fell, the door opened again and Helena appeared worried.


    ”what happened?”


    Bette didn’t turn around ”nothing” she answered coldly.


    ”what’s going on between you and Tina, Bette?”




    ”this… it’s not true that it’s nothing.”


    Bette turned around ”maybe she’s getting too attached to something that doesn’t exist.” ”maybe she sees me as a person that I’m not really, I’m not this, weak, vulnerable, she doesn’t even know who I am. And maybe today for the first time she saw it.”


    1. So Bette does not want the surgery. There is no motivation to take the risk in her eyes.

      When you are dealing with someone who has a terminal condition is difficult. And when you are dealing with someone who is in a state of decline and been on this path for two years and basically restricted to a hospital for that amount of time, and has no significant other or family, then depression and the lack of will to follow medical advice becomes a reality. And if there is any kind of stubbornness, it becomes a mountain to overcome. The fear of dying becomes brings death at a faster rate. Maybe Tina can convince Bette to have the surgery for her. However, Bette viewing Tina as just having pity for her rather than true attachment may be another barrier to overcome.

      They say doctors make the worst patients. I think that Bette Porter would hold all the records as far as being a bad patient. It is nice that Tina has become her friend…

      Thanks for the chapter.

    2. I started this story yesterday and it has captivated me, been a while I read good stories like yours. Thank you for this story,You are a fantastic writer. Please keep it coming. Thank you ones again

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