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    ”Well you showed it to her, didn’t you?”


    ”yes but… it’s definitely something she can’t handle, she deserves more, she deserves better than a clinical case.”


    ”what do you mean?” Helena crossed her hands on her chest, she was used to such intense conversations with Bette, Bette was full of emotions, always, in every phase of her life.


    ”that whatever is developing must be shut down. It is impossible Helena.”


    ”Loving you is impossible?”


    Bette laughed sadly ”she doesn’t love me…she…can’t love me…but she’s sweet and tends to care about everything…she is…she is unique! and I don’t think I can give her the best that life has to offer”


    ”but what do you feel?”


    Bette looked at her uncertainly ”I don’t listen to what I feel anymore…in any case I won’t have the operation…”


    ”Bette…we’ll talk about it tomorrow ok? now you’re…”


    ”I’m calm…I don’t want to do it, nothing motivates me to do it, leave everything as it is ok?”


    ”Please Bette..” Helena had tears in her eyes ”we fought so hard, you don’t want the pump go and I know why…you’ve seen a lot of people die like this, you always say you want to die like a hero…” Helena took a breath ”give us a chance…you’ve had a bad day…it will get better…let’s wait until tomorrow,….you alone…wait until tomorrow please” Helena was shaking, Bette could see it clearly, she cared a lot about Bette.


    The brunette bit her lip, she was nervous too and sighed heavily looking back at the window ”ok” she let out… it wasn’t the truth, Bette knew well the reason for that no to the operation. Tina had pushed her in the last three months of her life, and she had gone ahead following that light that she hoped to obtain but… then she had realized that Tina perhaps would not have been willing to do just that. Tina would have wanted more perhaps, and Bette could not have given it to her, perhaps Bette would have remained in those hospital rooms until her days, or perhaps the operation would have been successful but how would she have recovered? who could know.

    What if none of that was enough for Tina? Bette would die of a broken heart, again.


    1. So Bette does not want the surgery. There is no motivation to take the risk in her eyes.

      When you are dealing with someone who has a terminal condition is difficult. And when you are dealing with someone who is in a state of decline and been on this path for two years and basically restricted to a hospital for that amount of time, and has no significant other or family, then depression and the lack of will to follow medical advice becomes a reality. And if there is any kind of stubbornness, it becomes a mountain to overcome. The fear of dying becomes brings death at a faster rate. Maybe Tina can convince Bette to have the surgery for her. However, Bette viewing Tina as just having pity for her rather than true attachment may be another barrier to overcome.

      They say doctors make the worst patients. I think that Bette Porter would hold all the records as far as being a bad patient. It is nice that Tina has become her friend…

      Thanks for the chapter.

    2. I started this story yesterday and it has captivated me, been a while I read good stories like yours. Thank you for this story,You are a fantastic writer. Please keep it coming. Thank you ones again

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